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Reading Code: Week 2: Ruby!

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This week we'll be doing covering Ruby frameworks. The two main ones we'll look at are Ruby on Rails and Sinatra. A third framework that came up in IRC that several people were interested in is Jekyll

We'll try and find some time to meet and hang out in IRC this week, but we'll definitely meet next sunday at 3pm EST again. 

In terms of focus, since these are all web frameworks, we discussed focusing on the common elements that many web frameworks have, so that we can start to understand the differences and similarities between them as the course goes on. Common "pieces" of most

frameworks include:
  • Url handling
  • Views
  • Model VIew Controller / database interface 
  • Theming and templating
  • Some kind of plugin/API/extensibility framework
  • User management

So, try to use these concepts as anchors to your investigation, and post here if you find any particularly interesting tidbits!

Etherpad's have been created for the three frameworks. Document as you go, and feel free to re-organize and add to the etherpad, to suit whatever you want to write about the framework.   

Jessy Cowan-Sharp's picture
Jessy Cowan-Sharp
Thu, 2010-09-23 03:59

hey guys! how is the reading going?? which one have you chosen? hitting any snags? or waiting till the weekend to get your reading on? :)

Viacheslav Rostovtsev's picture
Viacheslav Rostov...
Thu, 2010-09-23 06:51

j0, Jessy! Well, the real hacking will have to wait 'till weekend; in the meantime I at least have gotten my Ruby hat back on and watched some good podcasts, such as:

Pablo Olmos de Aguilera C.'s picture
Pablo Olmos de Ag...
Thu, 2010-09-23 20:08

I'm a little lost, how can I read the code of rails? Should I create a new application or I'm supposed to download the source and looking there?

madarve's picture
Thu, 2010-09-23 20:45

Yes, download the source:, and start digging into it, to understand what it does and how. Here's a "Roadmap" for learning rails:

Abhaya Agarwal's picture
Abhaya Agarwal
Thu, 2010-09-23 20:13

I am trying to get a hang of Ruby, Github and Rails all together. Feeling a little overwhelmed but already beginning to like Ruby after discovering Symbols :)

madarve's picture
Thu, 2010-09-23 17:15

I could use a hand from the ruby wizards in this course, Any guide on compiling Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu Lucid?, I don't want to use the ubuntu packages, they're a bit outdated, plus bundler doesn't seem to work with 1.9.1.


Jessy Cowan-Sharp's picture
Jessy Cowan-Sharp
Sat, 2010-09-25 21:21

hi everyone-- just a reminder about our weekly course meeting tomorrow at the same time as last week, 3pm EDT**! This is ____1900 UTC/GMT____.

** Note about timezone: last week I said EST which was technically not correct because the east coast is in daylight savings time so we are really EDT. So very sorry to those of you who were an hour off because of me!!

We will meet in IRC again, same as last week: #p2pu-webcraft/reading-code on

I hope you had a good week reading!

Jessy Cowan-Sharp's picture
Jessy Cowan-Sharp
Mon, 2010-09-27 23:44

a cool rails diagram from eric!