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I would like to suggest that we meet atleast once in 10 days via skype ,
this will enhance our learning . Any thoughts.
that sounds pretty good!
I'd be up for that.
Me too!
I might be fairly quiet, I'm hard of hearing but I tested Skype with a new headset this weekend in preparation and I think I'll be able to hear some of the discussion :-)
I also agree that Skype would be good for us. Does anyone have a date/time in mind?
Also please add your timezone when talking about times and dates. Mine is central European = Greenwich +1 hour.
Mine too :)
I like the idea, I am in Central USA = GMT -6 hour. Luckily, I am currently unemployed, so I have some flexibility during the day if needed.
Like Christoper, I'm in Central US (GMT - 6). I also have some flexibility during the day.
Hi All,
when you are going for the meeting. My skype username is asifrohan. Add me.
skype a few times a week sounds great. i'm GMT +10, anyone from Australia-Asia here?
I'm on the US west coast, GMT -8, evenings and weekends are better for me. Coordinating a meeting with people round the planet is complicated. Perhaps I'll make a sign up sheet or something of somekind like that.
this is a great tool for scheduling meetings across timezones (learned it from Matt, instructor in Intro to PHP):
and for announcing the final time:
oh, the tools at our fingertips!
matt has also suggested (it seems like he's done his research, I haven't!) for voice virtual "whiteboard"
and to sign in to BOTH of these services at the scheduled time.
these are just suggestions, whoever is heading this up may want to run w those options or not, just thought I'd share!
kb (too suddenly swamped to organize this!)
P2PU also has
As far as I know, BBB is currently being tested, but we could test it ourselves :)
I am US Central (GMT -6) and will do my best to be available when the majority can meet. I have Skype, but have not really used it much, so I will try!
Kellie, the site is really good!
I've put my "bossy hat" on :-) and set up a meeting for tomorrow, Sunday, January 30th. Here's the link:
Anyone interested in partipating should put their available times on that calendar and we can then see where the majority of interest is. If everyone would prefer another day I'm happy with that too, I just put that day/time to start us off. Actually, the day after (Monday 31st) would probably be better for me.
Once we've established a meeting time (say 1 hour?) then we can investigate some of the great tools Kellie linked to above.
I've cocked this up. I thought everyone would be presented with the large weekly schedule and could highlight a set of hours on subsequent days but because I selected a band of 3 hours on a specific day, that's what everyone is presented with.
* bangs head on desk *
So I've just created a new one with far more time slots:
Those who have been super quick on the last one, could you go highlight times on this new one?
Sorry guys!
How did this go? I have my subscriptions all messed up, so missed the meeting suggestion. Sorry!
I'm really sorry everyone - been offline, now catching up. Would someone be happy to take on organising a Skype meetup?
I think it would be great to have a meeting, anybody willing to do that? Else I have to that. Need some answers people.