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21 April IRC Log

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5:31pmLaurianyup, I'll broadcast that, but there is a complete lack of involvment lately :(
5:32pmzombieToastyeah so I noticed
5:32pmLaurianI know that the p2pu site was kind of not working in the past week, but no assignment submissions :(
5:32pmzombieToastmaybe moving the meet will help get some people back on bard
5:32pmzombieToastheh my assignment is 80% done
5:32pmzombieToastjust need to do the other 80%...
5:32pmLaurianyup, I asked people to comment on the etherpad when/etc. .... nothing
5:34pmLaurianhow's spring over there?
5:34pmzombieToaststarted off good, could be warmer now
5:35pmzombieToastlooking better next week
5:36pmzombieToastI'm just gonna blame the volcano
5:37pmDorene joined the chat room.
5:37pmzombieToasthi Dorene
5:38pmDoreneHow's everyone today?
5:38pmzombieToastnot bad
5:38pmLaurianwe're talking about spring, volcano, etc
5:38pmDoreneAh, volcano
5:38pmLaurianwe'll go steampunk, use blimps and not planes :)
5:38pmzombieToastand possibly moving this chat to a later timeslot
5:38pmzombieToasttrans-atlantic zepplin flight
5:38pmzombieToastthey have to bring that back
5:39pmDoreneWhat time are you thinking of?
5:39pmLaurianzombieToast: was thinking of this to catch others
5:39pmLaurianbut the issue is that the others said nothing
5:39pmDoreneI would pay to go on a trans atlantic zeppelin flight
5:39pmLaurianso, I'll broadcast again a request for scheduling and see if we have any responses
5:39pmLaurianas the involvement with the course fell lately
5:39pmzombieToastLaurian: I know, but if the 4 of us just agree to move then its done
5:40pmLaurianI'm trying to reach Dana and find out her work schedule, she started recently (Norway)
5:40pmzombieToastoh the new job?
5:41pmLaurianzombieToast: yeah, something consulting IT
5:41pmzombieToastwell as I was saying, I wouldn't mind if this was a lot later
5:41pmLaurianbtw, I'm moving too, in July, from the institute to Talis.con
5:41pmDoreneI think I'm on the opposite side of the world from everybody
5:42pmLaurianthat's why the past 2 weeks I was terrible busy with interviews + paperwork
5:42pmzombieToastah, k. Well I don't know how late you & Dana can make it but I can easily go up to 8 hours later
5:43pmDorene8 hours later puts  me right in the middle of a teaching hour
5:44pmDoreneBut I guess I can just switch over to mostly using the discussions...I need to do that more anyway
5:44pmzombieToastheh ok not so convenient maybe
5:44pmLaurianI could do two chats, but then again, with whom :)
5:45pmzombieToasthaha yeah
5:45pmLaurianI can actually talk with the bot
5:45pmLaurianit knows only this command:
5:45pmW1NT3RMUT3Laurian: the time is now Wed Apr 21 16:41:01 UTC 2010
5:45pmLaurianI could code more :)
5:45pmDoreneAt least it responds! ;-)
5:45pmzombieToaststimulating conversation for sure
5:45pmDorenewill it work for me?
5:45pmW1NT3RMUT3Dorene: the time is now Wed Apr 21 16:41:27 UTC 2010
5:46pmLaurianW1NT3RMUT3: a wasp is crawling on your hand, what would you do?
5:46pmLaurianW1NT3RMUT3: pay attention, response time is a factor!
5:46pmDoreneWhat's a wasp?
5:46pmDoreneI think it's an android
5:46pmLauriana social winged insect :0
5:47pmLaurianwith beautiful waist and jean paul gautiere-style stripes
5:48pmLaurianso, zombieToast is 80% done on his assignment, and having 80% more to do ;)
5:48pmLaurianI'll post this week the rest of the all assignments with far future dates
5:49pmLaurianghost in the shell + little brother, freedom downtime + hacker crackdown, and the final one: write story or essay
5:49pmDoreneI am well into the assignment for Punk Setting
5:49pmLaurianDorene: take your time, deadline next week
5:49pmDoreneI've read Little Brother and have Ghost inthe Shell yet to watch
5:50pmDoreneI finally finished Diamond Age
5:50pmLaurianGhost in the Shell 2 Innocence, not Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (the re-mastering of the original Ghost in the Shell)
5:50pmDoreneI know it's not on our list
5:50pmDorenebut I really enjoyed it
5:50pmDoreneyes, I have 2.0
5:51pmDoreneI have innocence
5:51pmDoreneat least I think I do
5:51pmzombieToastHavn't got around to reading any Neal Stephenson yet
5:51pmLaurianDorene: no problem, ahhh, I have to post the assignment on favourite sci-fis
5:51pmzombieToastJust finished The Shockwave Rider
5:51pmDoreneYes, I have Innocence
5:51pmLaurianNeal S. is quite hard to read, I'm not an native English speaker and I find quite hard to follow him
5:51pmDorenegot it from Netflix the other day
5:51pmDoreneNeal S is hard to read
5:52pmDoreneI call his books "chewy"
5:52pmDorenebut I love his stories
5:52pmzombieToasthard to read is fine as long as the story moves
5:53pmDoreneand for me, much of his English dialogue is very English
5:53pmDorenealmost British English
5:53pmDoreneso I stumble a bit here and there
5:53pmzombieToasthe is american though isn't he?
5:53pmLaurianhmm, I learned English watching Star Trek Next Generation and Tonight Show with Jay Leno (NBC Europe)
5:54pmDoreneI think so...but many of his characters are British or British wannabees
5:54pmDoreneWow, Laurian that's impressive
5:54pmDoreneI can't imagine being a non native speaker and learning english
5:54pmDoreneIt is so full of contradictions as a language
5:54pmzombieToastmost kids pick it up from TV
5:55pmLaurianDorene: it was easier than the languages in school, where I did french and german
5:55pmzombieToasthaha yeah german grammar is awful
5:56pmDoreneI think German would be hard...what is your native language Laurian?
5:56pmLaurianand movies with subtitles (not dubbed) helped a lot in learning new words from context
5:56pmLaurianDorene: Romanian, latin origin
5:56pmDoreneLaurian: kind of related to spanish, then?
5:56pmzombieToastDo they generally dub TV shows over there?
5:56pmLaurianitalian is closer
5:57pmDoreneHmmm...I think I would like to learn a new language
5:57pmLaurianDorene: I can understand most of the latin based languages, italian the easiest, spanish, I might need to see it written as the sound is quite misleading from the latin roots
5:57pmDoreneI'll have to look into it
5:58pmLaurianzombieToast: in most of the european countries they dub the movies, in Romania they did not, it was wonderful.
5:58pmzombieToastyeah they don't here in holland either
5:59pmzombieToastI've never understood why they do it in france/germant etc
5:59pmLaurianI have colleagues that they cannot watch now movies in English, as they got used with dubbing
5:59pmzombieToastsome of the german dubs are funny as hell
5:59pmzombieToastI recommend Shaft in german
6:00pmLauriana girl here (italian one) told me that she hates the "natural" voice of George Clooney, she prefers the dubbed italian macho one :)
6:00pmzombieToastmit der bruder man
6:00pmLaurianseen once Star Trek in italian, it was SO WRONG
6:00pmLaurianimagine a klingonian speaking italian!
6:00pmDoreneOh, man
6:00pmDorenethat is a ROUGH image
6:00pmLaurianand when they translated "warp seven" to "a curbatura sette" I just died
6:01pmDorenei could see Klingons speak German though, ;-)
6:01pmLaurianseen the original Star Trek in german, it was funny to see Spock so logical and so german :)
6:02pmLaurianbrb 5 min
6:02pmLaurian(work issue :( )
6:04pmDoreneAh, duty calls...
6:04pmDoreneMy students would be pulling me away if I were at school too
6:04pmDorenezombietoast: where are you located again?
6:04pmDoreneThat was quick!
6:05pmLaurianyeah, delegated task ;)
6:05pmDoreneLaurian: How are the other P2P classes faring this go around?
6:05pmDoreneIt just seems like our participation is struggling a are the other classes doing?
6:06pmLaurianI'll ask, nobody complained, well, they complained about the server, and students not interacting with the discussion feature as it is cumbersome
6:06pmLaurianand they are now discussing to have wikis for each course
6:06pmzombieToastwikis, really?
6:06pmLaurianto allow each course to self-organize and not be bound in the form fields of the current thingie
6:07pmDoreneI really love the concept...but feel like in our case it's not working as well as it was envisioned
6:07pmLaurianthe previous iteration was all on wordpress, it was perfect
6:07pmzombieToastyeah the current site has some serious interaction design issues
6:07pmLaurianI find a pain to post something on the current system, as the visual editor doesn't work OK for me
6:08pmLaurianif I re-edit something I loose all the formatting, well, tech issues
6:08pmLaurianI doubt that for a p2p thing we need a VLE or something, a wiki should suffice
6:09pmDoreneI just started a class for teachers at school
6:09pmDoreneas a student
6:09pmDoreneit's all done by discussion
6:09pmDorenebut i find the same issues prevail
6:09pmDoreneparticipation is low or very last minute
6:09pmDorenepeople seem to only be engaging because the have to
6:10pmDorenenot because they are interested in discussion
6:10pmLaurianit is complicated
6:10pmDorenewhich in the case of the teachers, many of them just do it for CE credit
6:10pmLaurianis it the people, is it the system or is it the topic?
6:10pmDorenethey don't really care about the topic that much
6:10pmDoreneWhich is frustrating for someone like me who enjoys the discussion
6:12pmLaurianif you would ask them to propose a topic
6:13pmDoreneWe have's a 4 week class
6:13pmDoreneeach week already have 2 discussion topics built in
6:14pmDoreneour first week ends tomorrow
6:14pmDoreneand so far only 3 of 13 people have participated
6:14pmDoreneI am willing to bet that tonight the other 10 will post perfunctory statements and responses
6:14pmLaurianand I suppose you cannot just let only 3 pass the course, right?
6:15pmDoreneIt isn't even a pass/fail situation
6:15pmDorenei think that's the problem a little bit
6:15pmzombieToastno stick, no carrot....
6:16pmDorenepeople are req'd to participate in continuing education
6:16pmDorenebut really don't want to
6:16pmDorenethose of us who do it because we love learning new things get frustrated
6:16pmDoreneI appreciate flexibility with deadlines, we are all busy so it's helpful
6:17pmDorenebut if you don't care, don't sign up in the first place
6:17pmzombieToastThere's some discussion in the lounge on that
6:17pmDoreneif you do your interest occasionally and genuinely
6:17pmzombieToastusing an extra assignment to filter out the non-participants
6:18pmLaurianzombieToast: yeah, and we'll have no students :)
6:18pmDoreneI was ready for this class to write an essay to get in!
6:18pmzombieToastLaurian: haha
6:18pmLaurianon the previous iteration we had a kind of micro essay to write to get accepted into the course
6:18pmDoreneIt seemed like that had been a requirement for the first go around
6:18pmDoreneso I was READY
6:19pmDorenebut again, I am truly interested and want to be engaged
6:19pmDoreneand now I feel like I just went off on a ten minute rant about distance learning
6:19pmzombieToastIt's only the 2nd iteration, i think p2pU has a lot of tough problems to solve
6:19pmDorenesorry guys...<Dorene is climbing off her soapbox...>
6:20pmDoreneI don't think the problems are uniqute to P2P, though
6:20pmzombieToastno this is just another sandbox
6:20pmLaurianDorene: it is important
6:21pmDoreneI really do love this concept
6:21pmDoreneand I intend to stay involved somehow
6:21pmLaurianhmmm, how would be a cyberpunk distance learning?
6:21pmLaurianvirtual reality?
6:21pmLaurianrole playing games as learning?
6:21pmDoreneSecond Life
6:22pmzombieToastmemory implants
6:22pmDoreneand there is something to be said for learning games
6:22pmLauriangetting hacking assignments? :)
6:22pmDoreneMy skills would need a major upgrade
6:23pmzombieToastcheck out -> gaming driven social change
6:23pmDoreneI'm a high end user...but as a creator I miss the mark by quite a bit
6:24pmDoreneoh, that looks interesting
6:24pmDorenejust sent it to my work e-mail...I'll make it my afternoon research
6:25pmzombieToastbit sparse at the moment as its still in beta, but if they can get some hundreds of thousands of users on board it'll be very cool
6:25pmLaurianinteresting, minimised for later reading
6:26pmzombieToastusing gaming systems for education will gain a lot more traction in future I think
6:26pmzombieToastisn't there a school in the US that does it full-time already?
6:27pmzombieToastI remember seeing something to that effect on some pbs documentary or something
6:27pmDoreneDiamond Age was a timely read for me as it dealt with the learning situation of a very young impoverished child who stumbled upon an interactive book designed to gear its story to the individual it "bonded" to
6:27pmLaurianzombieToast: we need game designers, and they are not cheap
6:28pmLauriandesigning a game is not like laying out a curriculum
6:28pmDoreneHmmm...maybe I should start a new life as an educational game designer
6:28pmLaurianit must be exciting, get you to compete
6:28pmzombieToastyeah, which school should do as well
6:28pmLaurianand nowadays it looks like the schools is discouraging competition, and elitism, etc
6:29pmDoreneYes, it has to engage your right away
6:29pmLaurian"everybody wins" policy, which is BS, in life is not like that
6:29pmDoreneno, it's not
6:30pmDoreneBut no child can be left behind, you know?
6:30pmLaurianDorene: I would
6:31pmLaurianbut I'm biased
6:31pmLaurianI've been raised in a communist regime, and I was springloaded to jump into the other extreme
6:31pmDoreneHere in Washington State, the high school curriculums have become focused solely on the goal of 100% university acceptance
6:31pmDorenewhich is just not realistic
6:32pmLaurianterrible, is education an utility?
6:32pmzombieToastEducational systems need to take into account that there is more than 1 way to learn
6:32pmLaurianuniv. I mean
6:32pmDoreneLaurian, you would think so...everyone wants to think very formulaicly
6:32pmDorene(is that a word???)
6:33pmLaurianit is, it parses as, I get the idea, the dictionaries are behind anyway :)
6:33pmDoreneBut they don't take into account how many different ways there are to learn, teach, or what an individuals interests and inclinations are
6:34pmDorenethe idea of apprenticing to a mentor or expert and learning a skill has almost died completely
6:34pmDoreneOh, god, I am off on another rant aren't I?
6:34pmDoreneYou guys are going to want to change the time just to shut me up
6:35pmzombieToasthaha nah
6:36pmzombieToastlucky I haven't started my dropout rant in return
6:36pmDoreneSpeaking of education ;-)
6:36pmDoreneI should probably head to school
6:37pmLaurianI learned from mentors, I had the opportunity to meet extraordinary people in school and university, nowadays I see just drones preaching and not teaching stuff
6:37pmzombieToastwhat you're going to let school get in the way of your education!?
6:37pmLaurianlong are the days where I could get a good grade by improvising and not reciting ... nice times
6:37pmDoreneI know <hanging head in shame>
6:38pmDoreneHave a great evening you guys
6:38pmLaurianthanks, you too
6:38pmDoreneLet me know what time you choose for the next meeting
6:38pmzombieToastyou too, learn em
6:38pmDorenewill do!
6:38pmDorene left the chat room. (Quit: Page closed)
6:38pmLaurianzombieToast: I'll go now, hungry :)
6:38pmzombieToast left the chat room. (Quit: FUCKING BEARS)
8:12pmYou left the chat by being disconnected from the server.
Janine Fleri's picture
Janine Fleri
Thu, 2010-04-22 23:56

For the record, I stated both at the beginning of class and on the etherpad that I'm not available in the middle of the work day and would only be able to engage in chats after 6pm EST or on weekends. I've also never used that etherpad before so maybe it didn't show up on your end, but I did reply.

Janine Fleri's picture
Janine Fleri
Fri, 2010-04-23 00:06

ps- i don't mean to imply you should change the time for one person, just that I want let you know I'm not expressing a disinterest ;)