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Online Maps with OpenLayers

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We have only four days left of the course, and I'd like to end it with an open discussion to help ourselves and future visitors to the course page to become better mappers.  That includes acknowledging the power of non-open systems like Google Maps, and sharing links about HTML or Firebug.

A couple of things which really impress me about non-open maps are

I wanted to re-post some links which I'd post on the first day if we had this course again:

I remember someone's helpful JavaScript reference but I can't find it.  If you can re-post the link here, please do.

Sharon Machlis's picture
Sharon Machlis
Fri, 2011-03-25 01:28

Timothy Barmann at the Providence Journal posted an excellent tutorial on mapping with QGIS, JavaScript and jQuery as well as an introduction to QGIS

For those who are primarily interested in publishing maps that show information -- that join data with a geographic component (population growth, poverty levels, etc.) to a map -- another interesting project is OpenHeatMap. You can't actually create your own map polygons, but it does support a wide variety of location input types.

Note sure what JavaScript tutorial you were referring to, but I did see one at W3schools: