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Online Maps with OpenLayers

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OpenStreetMap in 3D and in ArcGIS

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This colorful map, from the Czech Republic, is using building:levels and other tags to draw OpenStreetMap in 3D

A true 3D map of Moscow has been produced by Russian mapper Dmitry Marakasov

I previously said this map used WebGL, but Dmitry corrects me:

glosm doesn't use WebGL - web map are just prerendered raster tiles,
and perspective screenshots are from native viewer written in C++.
Geometry generated with glosm may potentially be displayed with WebGL
viewer as well, but there's no such thing as of now.

Mappers using ArcGIS: you can download shapefiles and edit OpenStreetMap with this project I met one of the developers from ESRI, and he is interested in how it can add to your spatial data of an area or help you contribute to OpenStreetMap. If you or co-workers have ArcGIS, please try out this program and post your comments here or in the Issue Tracker.

Sharon Machlis's picture
Sharon Machlis
Sat, 2011-03-05 22:10

Is there anything similar for users of QGIS?

Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Mon, 2011-03-07 17:12

You can turn on the OpenStreetMap plugin in QGIS and use it to make edits. Here is an awesome step-by-step guide with screenshots:



Screenshot of another user's work in QGIS:

Guide for using Linux, pgRouting, and other tools with QGIS to do directions:

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Fri, 2011-03-11 01:53

Whats pgRouting?

Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Fri, 2011-03-11 03:08

pgRouting is an open-source program for directions. I think you give it a road network such as OpenStreetMap data and it'll give you the shortest path from one point to another.