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Civic Hacking - Mar 2010

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cmayumi's picture
Mon, 2010-03-22 03:13

Manor Labs

Em outubro de 2009 a cidade de Manor, no Texas, resolveu criar uma plataforma online colaborativa que ajudasse a cidade a inovar. As pessoas podem contribuir com idéias e sugestões para problemas da cidade.
Link para vídeo no You Tube:


Ushahidi quer dizer "testemunho", "depoimento", em Swahili. A idéia do site nasceu com a necessidade de reportar ncidentes de violência no Kenya, logo após as eleições no iinício de 2008. O nascimento deve-se a um grupo de jornalistas num momento de crise do país. Apenas no Kenya, o site agregou 45000 usuários, demonstrando o potencial que a ferramenta poderia ter. A partir daí o grupo de pessoas que criou o site resolveu disponibilizar a ferramenta para outras frentes com necessidades de reportagem cidadã em situações de crise. Receberam uma ajuda de custo de US$ 200,000 de uma ONG que os ajudou a reformular a plataforma e deixá-la mais robusta. A partir daí o uso da plataforma cresceu e hoje eles geram conteúdo para todas estas frentes:

  • Snowmageddon: The Cleanup - Where the Washington region comes together to dig out of Snowmageddon 2010.
  • new!Haiti Crisis Map is tracking the post-earthquake crisis response and recovery efforts in Haiti.
  • Wildlife Trackers is a citizen science project to track wildlife in Kenya.
  • Connection GeoMap, managed by Survivors Connect seeks to create a space to share critical information about trafficking and anti-trafficking activity globally, promote transparency in our efforts, engage communities and learn best practices, current challenges and needs in our global effort.
  • Atlanta Crime Maps tracks crime in the Atlanta metro area.
  • Stop Stockouts is an initiative to track near real-time stockouts of medical supplies at pharmacies (in a medical store or health facility) in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Zambia.
  • The Computer Professionals' Union in the Philippines created the initiative called TXTpower, an effort to keep an eye on the mobile phone companies by ordinary citizens.
  • The Cuidemos el Voto mashup is an independent platform to help monitor the federal elections of 5 July 2009 in Mexico.
  • We set up a site to track the Swine Flu reports coming in from official and unofficial sources at We have also created a way for citizen reports to be submitted (they remain unverified).
  • Vote Report India is a collaborative citizen-driven election monitoring platform for the 2009 Indian general elections.
  • Al Jazeera uses Ushahidi in their "War on Gaza" website covering the activity happening in Gaza in January 2009.
  • Peace Heroes: Unsung Peace Heroes is a campaign developed by Butterfly Works and Media Focus on Africa Foundation. The goal is to nominate people who helped do positive things during and after the post-election violence in Kenya. Kenyan heroes are ordinary people who did extraordinary things for their fellow citizens or their country.
  • Congo (DRC): Deployment to the DRC Congo happened on Nov 7, 2008 - the week after our initial release of the alpha version of the new Ushahidi Engine software.
  • Kenya: The initial mashup, used to track reports of incidents of violence around Kenya.
  • South Africa: Used to map xenophobic attacks perpetrated against non-South Africans.

Plataforma brasileira criada por meio de parceria entre Ministério da Cultura e Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa para a discussão de política pública pela rede, com instrumento de consulta pública online.