Manor Labs
Em outubro de 2009 a cidade de Manor, no Texas, resolveu criar uma plataforma online colaborativa que ajudasse a cidade a inovar. As pessoas podem contribuir com idéias e sugestões para problemas da cidade.
Link para vídeo no You Tube:
Ushahidi quer dizer "testemunho", "depoimento", em Swahili. A idéia do site nasceu com a necessidade de reportar ncidentes de violência no Kenya, logo após as eleições no iinício de 2008. O nascimento deve-se a um grupo de jornalistas num momento de crise do país. Apenas no Kenya, o site agregou 45000 usuários, demonstrando o potencial que a ferramenta poderia ter. A partir daí o grupo de pessoas que criou o site resolveu disponibilizar a ferramenta para outras frentes com necessidades de reportagem cidadã em situações de crise. Receberam uma ajuda de custo de US$ 200,000 de uma ONG que os ajudou a reformular a plataforma e deixá-la mais robusta. A partir daí o uso da plataforma cresceu e hoje eles geram conteúdo para todas estas frentes:
Snowmageddon: The Cleanup - Where the Washington region comes together to dig out of Snowmageddon 2010.
new!Haiti Crisis Map is tracking the post-earthquake crisis response and recovery efforts in Haiti.
Wildlife Trackers is a citizen science project to track wildlife in Kenya.
Connection GeoMap, managed by Survivors Connect seeks to create a space to share critical information about trafficking and anti-trafficking activity globally, promote transparency in our efforts, engage communities and learn best practices, current challenges and needs in our global effort.
Atlanta Crime Maps tracks crime in the Atlanta metro area.
Stop Stockouts is an initiative to track near real-time stockouts of medical supplies at pharmacies (in a medical store or health facility) in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Zambia.
The Computer Professionals' Union in the Philippines created the initiative called TXTpower, an effort to keep an eye on the mobile phone companies by ordinary citizens.
The Cuidemos el Voto mashup is an independent platform to help monitor the federal elections of 5 July 2009 in Mexico.
We set up a site to track the Swine Flu reports coming in from official and unofficial sources at We have also created a way for citizen reports to be submitted (they remain unverified).
Vote Report India is a collaborative citizen-driven election monitoring platform for the 2009 Indian general elections.
Al Jazeera uses Ushahidi in their "War on Gaza" website covering the activity happening in Gaza in January 2009.
Peace Heroes: Unsung Peace Heroes is a campaign developed by Butterfly Works and Media Focus on Africa Foundation. The goal is to nominate people who helped do positive things during and after the post-election violence in Kenya. Kenyan heroes are ordinary people who did extraordinary things for their fellow citizens or their country.
Congo (DRC): Deployment to the DRC Congo happened on Nov 7, 2008 - the week after our initial release of the alpha version of the new Ushahidi Engine software.
Kenya: The initial mashup, used to track reports of incidents of violence around Kenya.
South Africa: Used to map xenophobic attacks perpetrated against non-South Africans.
Plataforma brasileira criada por meio de parceria entre Ministério da Cultura e Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa para a discussão de política pública pela rede, com instrumento de consulta pública online.