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Dr. King's Journal

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Hello, my name is Dr. Marjorie King. i am a Registered Professional Nurse. Received a BSN and MN ED in Nursing and an Ed.D in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis. Worked for 42 years in a variety of clinical and administrative nursing roles. After retirement, I began teaching in a baccalaureate/masters program at a regional university (11+years). During that period, I developed and taught a Nursing Administration (Masters Level)course on-line and also collaborated with another faculty member to write (2) programs for continuing education credit on-line. Hopefully, I can advise you on construction and curriculum issues. Thanks for reviewing my introduction.

Charles Danoff's picture
Charles Danoff
Sat, 2010-10-09 03:45

Thanks for starting your journal, Dr. King. Looking forward to your contributions.

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Mon, 2010-10-25 05:53

Hi Dr. King. What type of programs did you write for the continuing credit courses?

marjorie  king's picture
marjorie king
Mon, 2010-10-25 15:56

Brylie: In collaboration with my colleague, we wrote one continuing education course about the role of a Preceptor and the other one about building a professional portfolio. Thanks for asking. Dr. King