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Copyright 4 Educators (US)

Week 6

Tara Wheatland's picture
Sat, 2010-09-04 01:08

Week 6 - Introduction to Open Eductional Resources

: This week you will learn about Open Educational Resources (OER), which are learning materials that are freely available for use, remixing and redistribution.

Background: The Internet and digital technologies have transformed how people learn. Educational resources are no longer static and scarce, but adaptable and widely available, allowing educational institutions, teachers, and learners to actively participate in a global exchange of knowledge via OER. Creative Commons provides the legal and technical infrastructure essential to the long-term success of OER, making it possible for educational resources to be widely accessible, adaptable, interoperable, and discoverable.

Assigned Materials:

Creative Commons in Education -

CC Wiki Open Educational Resources Portal -

Free to Learn Guide -

Additional Reading and Reasources

Recorded Webinar on Choosing and Using Creative Commons Licenses for Educational Content -

**Note - there are no discussion questions this week, as the Final Case Scenario will focus on Open Educational Resources.