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Case study 2 marked

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Hi all

As most of you will have noticed by now, case study 2 is now marked and up. Sorry that it's a bit past the 'US Monday' - just a busy week.

But congratulations, we're more than halfway!

I'm continuing to be impressed with the standard of the answers - a lot of you pick up issues I hadn't thought of, and you are clearly getting a really excellent handle on the CC system.

The issues that caused the most headaches this week were:
- the definition of noncommercial
- derivatives v collections
- sharealike and compatibility of licences.

Don't worry if you found these hard - they are three of the most difficult and complex aspects of CC, and many people use CC for years without ever understanding, or even really noticing, them. I'm just pushing you to make sure you see the complexities, too - so you have a real handle on all the sides of CC.

I'm going to write up summaries for each of these - in fact, I did last night, and lost them to a computer crash. So it might be a few days before they go up - but they'll be there soon!


Kirsty Elliott Elliott's picture
Kirsty Elliott El...
Wed, 2011-03-02 07:49

Ah, Jessica, computer hell - there's nothing like it! Especially bad when you're going the extra mile on a voluntary basis. Cheers and better luck with the hardware/software.