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Case Study 3 - marked and done!

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Hi all

Case Study 3 is marked, and we are done!

Everyone who handed in the final assignment has passed the assignment and the course. And this time I don't think there are any particular issues that people had trouble with. If you would like to see a particular good and detailed summary of non-CC licence options, see the Aqua answer.

So, as it's the last week, and there are no particular issues to be covered I'm going to ask you - are there any questions you still have, that you'd like the answer to? I'll happily do my best to answer any questions before the course officially ends on Friday.

Other than that, you're all free to go. I'll be writing to each group individually, to get the details p2pu needs for your pass certificate. You'll also all get a message in the next few days looking for feedback on the course, so we can improve it next time.

Congratulations, and thank you for being such an excellent group of students - really, it has been one of the most interactive and successful courses I've been involved with.

Juanan Pereira's picture
Juanan Pereira
Mon, 2011-03-14 16:42

Hi Jessica,

thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, your effort and your time (and also for your patience with my deadline extension requests ;-)

It's has been my first p2pu course and I have to say that it has been a great experience, both as a student and as a teacher.

In the future, I will certainly encourage other people to join this project and participate, sharing their knowledge in order to get an overall improvement in our "lifelong learning" :-)

Thanks again and hope to see you again in a new course (and who knows, if I manage to cut the rough edges of my English, perhaps I will dare to take the teacher role in one of the subjects of my knowledge area ;-) See you!

Jessica Coates's picture
Jessica Coates
Tue, 2011-03-15 01:06

No need to cut the rough edges, Jaunan - run a Spanish language course! P2Pu probably needs non-English courses more than they need the English ones.

And that reminds me - for anyone who wants to continue the learning they've started with this course (and who haven't done it already), I recommend its sister course, Copyright for Educators.

The next sign on is in April - it will give you even more of the knowledge you need to navigate the dangerous waters of copyright, this time teaching you about the complexities of the law.

V. L.'s picture
V. L.
Wed, 2011-03-16 07:35

Thank you so much for being so generous with your time and expertise, Jessica! This was my first P2P course, and I thought it was fantastic. I learnt a lot and I'm looking forward to applying what I've learnt and sharing the information with people I work with.

Kirsty Elliott Elliott's picture
Kirsty Elliott El...
Wed, 2011-03-16 07:43

Hi Jessica, and thanks from another person in Aqua Group. Vanessa and I enjoyed being able to work on this from within the same office. It kept our brains ticking over, that's for sure! Very pleased to have done the course with you. It's been extremely valuable already. Kirsty