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New Lime group

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Hi all

While I do the marking for Case Study 2, I thought I'd introduce you all to a new group.

Robyn Knowles and David Clarke will be joining us from now on as the Lime group.

Robyn and David are students who were taking part in the Copyright 4 Educators course which was the predecessor to CC 4 educators last year. As some of you know, we decided to cut off the last few case studies of that course and turn it into this separate one. But Robyn and David have asked if they can join us to complete the full unit. So while they are joining us late, they've already done some of the work based on the old versions.

Because they're a couple of weeks behind, Robyn and David will be working to different timetables - however, hopefully you'll still see them around forums.

Wlecome Lime group.