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Handing in assignments

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Hi all

After our experience with the first week's case study, I've decided to set a standard process for handing in case studies. What we did this week worked well, but I think we can refine it a bit more.

Each group should start a new page in the 'Course Materials' for their own case study. Make sure you make it clear in the title which group you are, and which case study it is (eg Gold Group Case Study 2). This will make it easier to keep track of the different assignments, and will provide a place for me to upload my marked answer and for others to provide any comments they have on each group's answer.

You can either upload your answer as a attached document (as most people did this week), or provide a link to another space (like the Bronze group did), or provide the answer as the body of the page itself (see what they did with Copyright for Educators last year - My main request is to not use PDF, as it makes it harder for me to provide comments.

Good luck with the next Case Study.
