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The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) was created by the Foothill-De Anza Community College District (FHDA) in 2007. Its primary goal is "is to identify, create and/or repurpose existing OER as Open Textbooks and make them available for use by community college students and faculty." (CCCOER website). It is the major partner of the College Open Textbooks Collaborative.
There are now more than 200 members. For more details about the formation of this consortium, you can read "It Takes a Consortium to Support Open Textbooks" published in Educause Review magazine (Jan/Feb 2009 issue).
What kind of resources are available through the CCCOER?
The CCCOER website contains a wealth of resources intended to help anyone interested in the "open" movement to both learn about open educational resources, locate and evaluate the OER, as well as promote/advocate for them on their local campuses.
You can find a great list of repositories and blogs on the topic, as well as funding source ideas, information on creating your own OER, and links to help show you how to adopt and use the material effectively once you've located or created it.
Start your investigation here.
I am amazed at the resources
I am amazed at the resources available that I had no idea existed. Thank you for sharing.