This is the P2PU Archive. If you want the current site, go to!
Find, Author, and Share Open Textbooks
Course Material
Final Community Meeting Presentations: Thursday, March 10th Pacific Time (NOW ARCHIVED)
Community Meeting - Thursday, March 3rd (NOW ARCHIVED)
Community Meeting - Thursday, Feb 24th: (NOW ARCHIVED).
Syllabus for Find, Author, and Share Open Textbooks
Collaboration Tools
First Orientation Meeting: January 27, Thursday, 4:00 pm (NOW ARCHIVED)
Community Meeting - Thursday, Feb. 3, 4:00 pm (NOW ARCHIVED)
Community Meeting - Thursday, Feb. 17, 4:00 PM (NOW ARCHIVED)
Week 1: Introductions and Project Team Formations (Jan 26-Feb2)
Week 2: Finding and Selecting Open Textbooks and OER (Feb 2-9)
Week 3: Open Licensing and Accessibility Considerations (Feb 9-16)
Week 4: Authoring Tools and Hosting Platforms (Feb 16-23)
Week 5: Author-Adopter Communities and Sustainability (Feb 23-Mar 2)
Week 6: Project Team Wrap-up and Sharing (Mar 2-10)
What is P2PU?
What is CCCOER?
What is Wikieducator?
Open Content Repositories
College Open Textbooks Peer Reviews
Open Licensing Compatibility
WCAG 2.0 POUR Matrix
What is P2PU?
Welcome to a new kind of learning at P2PU

The Peer 2 Peer University is a grassroots open education project that organizes learning outside of institutional walls and gives learners recognition for their achievements. P2PU creates a model for lifelong learning alongside traditional formal higher education. Leveraging the internet and educational materials openly available online, P2PU enables high-quality low-cost education opportunities. P2PU - learning for everyone, by everyone about almost anything. Check out more about P2PU.