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Week 4: October 5 and October 7th (revised)

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Hey y'all, I've posted my assignment to the shared googledoc.

Here it is again, just in case it's needed.

Gena, please register with Skype and send me your username at your earliest convenience.  Thanks!

Week 4: October 5 and October 7th (revised)

Vanessa Gennarelli's picture

Sat, 2010-09-04 11:48

For Tuesday, October 5th, please post the following to the shared Googledoc.

EXERCISE: Revisit your place, and imagine a shift in time. 

In your 2-3 page piece, address these items: 

  • Approach the place as you would have in the past—as a younger person, or before a particular milestone in your life. 

  • Or, approach it from the future.  If you choose the future, anticipate how you might change in relation to the place. 

  • This exercise might be more fruitful if you imagine the time as during your lifespan, but I don’t mean to limit you.

 For Thursday, October 7th, please prepare to lead discussion on one piece (tbd) and familiarize yourself with the article below:


Mary Karr, “Facing Altars: Poetry and Prayer.”


  • How does Karr marry the sacred and the profane for comedic effect?  Which moments feel more genuine? 

  • Evaluate the sense of authority in the piece.   How is she performing “the converted” role through her language and style?

  • The story winds a great deal—from childhood, to early motherhood, through divorce and conversion—using a sort of montage effect.  Is this approach successful?