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Hi all, opening this thread to discuss any problems that might come up while reading the material for each of the weeks.

If there's anything that is not well explained int the tutorials, or something you just want to have a discussion about, you can shout (loud) in this thread!


Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Mon, 2011-01-24 17:00

Hi all, an open question here:

I added a section in the course to discuss about the software craftsmanship movement (
I am especially interested in techniques such as test/behaviour driven development, and their approach to concepts such as continuous learning, BUT... is there any interest in this?

Please let me know if you want to keep the discussions in, or focus 100% of the time in Wonderland development.


Michel DENIS's picture
Michel DENIS
Mon, 2011-01-24 17:38


I like the concept of craftman in areas like software development as well as in 3D world creation.


Richards Christopher's picture
Richards Christopher
Tue, 2011-01-25 17:44

Hey Jose,

Its a good idea to have the discussions about the software craftsmanship.

- Richards

Bosco A's picture
Bosco A
Tue, 2011-01-25 22:27

It would be great to cover Test driven development as relates to how it fits in with the software development methodology used with OWL. Of course, TDD is always interesting by itself too.


- Bosco

Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Tue, 2011-01-25 23:22

Hey Bosco, I find the whole subject really interesting but sadly there's nothing similar to TDD or BDD in Wonderland. I got around to set up Junit for the development module that we are working on at the dev meetings (, and we wrote a few tests (after the code), but it is quite difficult to get it right cause the code is quite complex.
That's why I was hoping that people would be a bit more interested in the subject, but according to the poll, not much interest am afraid... I will push it further anyway, even if it's just me! :)

Baba Kofi Weusijana's picture
Baba Kofi Weusijana
Wed, 2011-01-26 19:19

I'm interested in using BDD with Wonderland, but not so much TDD. I've used BDD before with a JavaScript/Rails project and I curious how the practice works in the Java world.

Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Thu, 2011-01-27 00:19

Hey Baba, you might be familiar with cucumber then. Have you ever tried cuke4duke?
That could be a nice little subproject for those of us interested in the field!

Oh, today at the dev meeting we test drove our first method! :D exciting stuff! It was an easy one, but am happy with the simple fact that people where up for it!

Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Thu, 2011-01-27 18:45

Hi all, I was going through the 'create new cell' tutorial, part 1, and I realised that the empty module to download is a bit out of date.

I have created a new one and shared it on my github account:

If you don't like git/github all that much you can use the downloads button in the github page and it will zip it up for you.

I have also started a new document in the community wiki to highlight some of the aspects of the tutorial:

Please let me know what you guys think, especially regarding usage instructions.


Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Sat, 2011-01-29 15:22

I found a small problem in the build.xml of the original downloadable empty module.

In the 'dist' target it reads:

But it should be:

If you don't change 'description' for 'moduleDescription', when you deploy your module and go to 'manage modules' in the web admin site, the description field will be set to [None].

I fixed that in the github repo so feel free to use that one if you want:


Xiaolin Xie's picture
Xiaolin Xie
Sun, 2011-02-06 03:30

Hi Jose

I am wondering whether there is some problem with the tutorial “Part 1: Developing a New Cell: Creating a simple shape”. I was following the tutorial step by step. However, I got some errors when creating the class “ShapeCellMO”
In the tutorial the following two import statements has errors
import org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.shape.common.ShapeCellClientState;
import org.jdesktop.wonderland.modules.shape.common.ShapeCellServerState;

I was wondering whether the tutorial on the website: http:// is out of date.

Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Mon, 2011-02-07 12:44

Hiya, have you created those classes already? ShapeCellMO will use the two classes in the common package; if you haven't written them already, then it will not compile... but if you keep on reading, you will get it to compile in the next section. Let me know if that works!


Alexios Akrimpai's picture
Alexios Akrimpai
Mon, 2011-02-07 02:12

Hi Jose,

I am having troubles with the Part 1 too. Mine compiles and deploys fine, it even appears on the module list but does not apper in the objects menu.

I followed the tutorial few times, with original empty module and with the one you provided, same result. I will spend some more hours on this probably tomorrow or Tuesday and I will let you know if anything has changed.


Josmas Flores's picture
Josmas Flores
Mon, 2011-02-07 12:46

Hi Alex, if the cell does not appear in the menu, you've likely forgotten to add the factory annotation.

Have a look at and let me know if that sorts it out.
