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KMD Digital Journalism 2010

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Student/Participant Presentation Preparation

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The last class of the Digital Journalism class will involve the
various groups giving presentations of their projects during the 90 minute
class. As the time is tight and we would like each group to have ample
time to give a presentation, the following are some steps for how to
make the presentations run (relatively) smoothly.
1) Please send me a contact request on Skype before the class
(preferably a few days in advance) to me (Skype name: basmati), then
we could be better prepared by the time the class begins. In the
request, please mention that you are from the p2pu DJ class.
2) Could the participants using Windows please download and install Skype 5.0
Up to four participants (+ my Skype account) could be on Skype video
at the same time. When sending the request, please mention that you
are using Skype 5.0
3) If the participants who cannot physically attend class (i.e.
everyone EXCEPT KMD registered students) could film themselves/their
presentations and upload them somewhere ( seems to be what the cool kids are into
these days) and we could play them during class. This may be a good
way for teams where members are geographically far apart to work
together to make a joint presentation.
Please make sure to give the specific link to the segment/clip to the
course members beforehand.
Sorry for the long message.
twitter: jbjbandjb
Andria krewson's picture
Andria krewson
Sun, 2010-07-25 08:14

Hi Janak,
Link to a post with a slideshare link for me is at:

I can Skype in to talk, but don't have a camera on my computer. I've sent you a Skype contact request.

Joi Ito's picture
Joi Ito
Wed, 2010-07-28 16:12

Thanks for the roundup Andria.

Richard Smart's picture
Richard Smart
Tue, 2010-07-27 05:21


And apologies that I wasn't available to present yesterday, but the blog is still going on and will continue after the course ends. Yesterday, I worked with Rick to find all the mentions of Japan from the Afghan documents released by Wikileaks - i hope it will be a resource for journalists.

The raw data is here:

And an index of the content (why Japan is mentioned) is here:

I hope to get time to write two more articles: how we extracted the data and what stories can be told using the resource tonight.

Also, I'll send a Skype request now if it is still needed.

Lena Hofman's picture
Lena Hofman
Tue, 2010-07-27 11:41


the project of me and Nadhir is also still in progress. The draft version of the article that will be published on a blog, is here:

Comments are welcome!

Joi Ito's picture
Joi Ito
Wed, 2010-07-28 16:07

Looks great! Let me know when I can link to it. I'm writing a blog post now about the experience with P2PU and would love to link to it.

Lena Hofman's picture
Lena Hofman
Wed, 2010-07-28 16:52

Hello Joi,
Thanks for the comment, we'll send you the link when it's finished.

I have a copyright/privacy question for you.
In this article, I quoted some comments that participants of this course posted to the forum or sent me by email. I did not connect comments to particular participants. Nadhir later added their names and occupations in the later version of the article. Do you think that participants' identities should be kept secret in the final blog post?

Also, I posted some screenshots of the course in this article. Does that violate any copyrights?

Thank you for your answer!

Joi Ito's picture
Joi Ito
Wed, 2010-07-28 17:07

Good question. Maybe you should ask the people quoted, but I would use your judgment depending on the quote.

I think that screenshots, if used for educational purposes and for illustration of points you're making in the text can be viewed as "fair use" and unless someone tells you to take them down, it should be fine.

However, I'm not a lawyer and this should not be construed as legal advice. ;)

Stian Haklev's picture
Stian Haklev
Wed, 2010-07-28 20:15

Looking forward to reading your blog post Joi, I'm always curious to hear people reflecting on their experiences with P2PU!

Francisco  Fernández's picture
Francisco Fernández
Fri, 2010-08-06 15:41

My project about corruption´s map is very difficult to end for me... I have read very much about the different ways to create, but i have not enought time...

Now, i have wrote my experience and impressions about the course (

Also, i have advantaged the content of the course for writting an study about the future of news, actually i have to write only the conclusions, but perhaps it seems interesting for you.

The future of news (part I): (and nexts...)