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Getting started with GeoGebra

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Ikem found a good challenge for getting started with GeoGebra (with a little bit of math to make it interesting).

Draw a line segment AC. Now create a square whose diagonal is AC.

If you are new to GeoGebra - try following this screencast with my construction: 

Write me if you get stuck anywhere - with the math, with the GeoGebra, with putting it on your page, ....

(By the way - if you want to try a strict compass and straightedge construction - here is a ggb file with a restricted toolbar:   (Info on strict compass and straightedge with ggb here:

Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska's picture
Linda Fahlberg-St...
Thu, 2011-01-27 19:42

Long version of above link:

Also, I meant to add that I think you can see the "rules" for diagonals of squares with folding. Take 2 square pieces of paper. Fold one into quarters horizontally/vertically. Fold the 2nd into quarters diagonally. See what you notice about the diagonals. (Aside from the construction, I thought this fold interesting that the different kinds of quarters must have equal area.)

Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska's picture
Linda Fahlberg-St...
Thu, 2011-01-27 19:46

USE either of the links at the END of your emails. For some reason the ones within the letters do NOT work. (Have I mentioned how much I love forums not.)