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In Week 3 of this class, I'm asking everyone to take a Multiples Intelligences (MI) test online and to post your results in this thread. I would also like people to consider their MI assessment and to write down any ideas they have about what aspects (if any) of that MI profile might have an impact on your enjoyment/mastery of math (or lack thereof).
The free online MI test I would like everyone to take is at : , where I have created a Group Account on where we can all display our results. That group site is : If you are not part of that group yet, email me at and I will send you an invitation.
Finally, I would everyone to find a freely-available relevant article on the Internet about Multiple Intelligences and post that link here. It can be a useful or interesting article about MI in general, or one that try to link MI with personality types, or one talking about MI in math. It can even been an article or lesson plan about how people are using MI in math classes. Just post a link here, along with any comments about why you chose that article or how it furthers your thinking about the topics of this course.
In my case, my Multiple Intelligences results were:
And I would say that was pretty true of me. I have four abilities that I'm relatively good at, and four abilities that I'm relatively bad at.
The biggest thing that I see for understanding my math history is that my 90% score in Interpersonal, combined with my about 90% score in Extroversion, is that my preferences are all about PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIPS. And I didn't get those needs met AT ALL in the way I studied math. Again, I now see that math doesn't have to be taught that way.... Maria Droujkova runs math clubs and group math activities here, and has opened my eyes to the world of social math. But I didn't have any of those experiences as a child, which I think would have improved my attitudes towards math.
Another MI point I see is my low visual/spatial score. I remember having a relatively even-more-difficult time in geometry, because I could not visualize the forms and shapes and such, especially when we had 2-D pictures of 3-D objects (with no manipulatives, of course....again, back in the bad old days). But I think I had an easier time in the conceptual world of algebra than I did in geometry.
Here are my results in text:

Logical/Mathematical 85%
Visual/Spatial 75%
Interpersonal 70%
Verbal/Linguistic 70%
Intrapersonal 70%
Naturalist 65%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 40%
Musical 10%
And here is the graph:
I want to say that the two lowbie outliers bite me in the behind at every turn, and I am trying to bring them up and be more balanced. For example, the low music score interferes with my speech. I hope to have better scores on them next year :-)
I think this is a good site for a general overview of the theory of Multiple Intelligences that was written for a general audience:
My results (retook the test)
Naturalist 80%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 75%
Musical 70%
Interpersonal 55%
Visual/Spatial 45%
Logical/Mathematical 45%
Verbal/Linguistic 40%
Intrapersonal 40%
Logical/Mathematical low score certainly relates to poor maths performance. Though it is in contrast to my thinking pattern-think from my head (which I perceive to be logical thinking) not heart. (kinesthetic-highest, maths/logic-lowest, nature just before maths/logic) (kinesthetic-highest, maths is 2nd!!, linguistic-lowest)
Did 2 other Multiple Intelligences test and all the results are quite different!!! Except these 2 categories, always top 3:
1. Kinesthetic
2. Musical
Based on the structure of the questions and answering options, one can have quite varied results.
With all these tests, there are more validated tests that give more consistent and reliable results--but they aren't these quick, free, self-scoring tests that we do over the Internet. So it is often good to try different tests, especially if the results you get don't seem to fit you or aren't making sense to you. Usually a pattern will emerge. I've done dozens of these things, so now my results tend to come out pretty much the same, regardless of which test I take (but I know what is behind the question, so I tend to answer for what I know is true for me, even when I think the question is poorly written).
For learning styles
For understanding of Multiple Intelligence concepts.
Thanks for the links. I love businessballs! We're going to use that when we talk about learning styles, which is the next week or so....
Hi Carol,
Just did the MI quiz. Here's what it popped up today.
Logical/Mathematical 80%
Intrapersonal 75%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 70%
Musical 65%
Naturalist 60%
Visual/Spatial 60%
Verbal/Linguistic 45%
Interpersonal 35%
Here are my results:
Logical/Mathematical 80%
Naturalist 75%
Intrapersonal 70%
Visual/Spatial 70%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 65%
Interpersonal 60%
Verbal/Linguistic 60%
Musical 20%
No surprise about the mathematical neither about the musical.