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Psychology of Math Learning

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In last night's real-time chat, some people started to recommend books or websites that are good resources for the issues we are discussing in this class.  So we agreed to start a new Forum thread where everyone can list books, websites, movies, or other resources that relate to the topics of psychology, math teaching and learning, personality style, learning style, creativity, etc.

So please add any good informational sources you have to the list.



Kurt Myrmel's picture
Kurt Myrmel
Thu, 2011-02-03 01:02

A site that I recommend to everyone that I meet that is ADHD or has a child or relative is Although built for ADHD, it has may wonderful resources for teaching and investigating your personality etc.

Seema Naik's picture
Seema Naik
Fri, 2011-02-04 13:20

Movie I was referring to was Stand and Deliver (1988)"A dedicated teacher inspires his dropout prone students to learn calculus".

Maria Droujkova's picture
Maria Droujkova
Fri, 2011-02-04 13:43

Sir Ken Robinson's lecture where he talks about kids as divergent thinking geniuses - in a VERY cool RSA animation style:

Seema Naik's picture
Seema Naik
Mon, 2011-02-14 08:39

Was directed to the above resource in relation to teaching my daughter. "KhanAcademy is a not-for-profit organization with the mission of bringing world-class education to anyone, anywhere through videos online. There are over 1800 videos on Maths, Science, Humanities and other topics. These are exceptionally high quality content with different methods of teaching different concepts."

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Wed, 2011-02-16 05:06

Murray Bourne, who participated in our chat tonight, shared his wonderful website full of math lessons with us;

Oula Abu-Amsha's picture
Oula Abu-Amsha
Thu, 2011-02-17 11:56

Sorry for not participating enough,
I found here a video that explains (put name) on what we are doing together on this course and I wanted to share this with you:

Maria Droujkova's picture
Maria Droujkova
Thu, 2011-02-17 14:37

Thank you very much for the video! MOOC (massively open online courses) feel really different, and need new tools. I am learning so much from participating here and from running my two courses.

For example, one difference I noticed is the courses feels more like a network with more active and more slight participants, than a cohort or "Nakama group" working together on all projects. Next time around, I will switch to gRSShopper rather than using an email group, as a result.

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Tue, 2011-02-22 05:13

Here is a resource I found interesting that at least mentions math and learning style/multiple intelligences--from Jonathan's homeland of Australia:

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Tue, 2011-02-22 05:30

Here is an article that talks about how personality style can relate to learning: