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Solve Anything! Building Ideas through Design - Mar 2010

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Recap of first message (in case you didn't get it?)

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Hi Everyone!

First of all welcome! I'm looking forward to sharing and building with you guys over the course of 'Solve Anything!' There are going to be a lot of experiments, especially regarding the course platform and assignments, so I hope you'll bring the same enthusiasm to each exercise and activity that I saw in your applications.

So, the first task at hand is to schedule an 'intro' meeting where we can chat via conference call and do some brainstorming. We will use Skype to connect. There are two steps you need to take before this can happen:

1) If you don't have it already, please download and install Skype and establish an account. For the first meeting, we'll stick to voice chat and not worry about video, so have a microphone on hand. If you don't have one, please let me know. It's still possible to chime in via text chat.

2) Since we're located all over the world, I've recruited a nifty little program called doodle to help schedule a meeting. Please follow this link and select for whatever times work for you - plan on a 1-hour meeting:

Alright, excellent. Watch out for some reading materials, a final syllabus, and a pre-conference assignment on Sunday. I'm putting the finishing touches on some exercises we'll pursue .



Curtis Frantz's picture
Curtis Frantz
Sun, 2010-03-14 20:32

Alright, well this is me chiming in in advance. I don't have access to a microphone that works right now. My computer's fairly old, though still pretty healthy and good enough for most things. Videoconferencing online and stuff like that, though, I've never had a need for before and just can't do, I'm sorry. I can receive video and sound, so that part will work fine, but I'm going to have to chime in via text chat.

Dennis Riedel's picture
Dennis Riedel
Tue, 2010-03-16 22:34

We have to see how this works out anyway, because the shipped version of Skype does not have any controls for moderation. It is just that one person is speaking or presenting, it might get be easier to do this with voice. But doing that by text should not be a problem in my opinion.

It looks as if we do this on Thursday, correct?

Vivek Rao's picture
Vivek Rao
Wed, 2010-03-17 15:03

Huh, I thought I responded to Curtis's post. Anyway, Curtis, I'll keep everyone informed that you'll be typing and will do my best as MC to draw attention to your thoughts. Talk tomorrow!