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Hi folks, I've been working on my site, installed lots of modules using Drush, no problem. SVN alludes me though on Web Enabled. I installed the repository, go to the page, see what looks like an input line with: /
But I can't figure out where/how to input any commands. Am I supposed to use Terminal (Mac OS X)? I downloaded a pdf of the SVN book, have used command line, but don't understand how it works on Web Enabled. I'm sure I'm missing something simple...
Best, Marilyn
Hello Marilyn,
Look at you :) Head of the class! We will be talking about version control and showing how to use it with Web Enabled in Week 6: Workflow that works
The Web Enabled staff are creating new documentation videos for that functionality. We agree there is very little online showing how to do this. (Partly why we're including it).Also, my colleague Joshua from Acquia will be our guest guide. So I won't be able to answer your question now. Just wanted you to know: It's in the plan!
For anyone else wondering what is coming, please review the Syllabus:
Hi Heather,
I thought I was following the syllabus, which has us installing a site (Web Enabled makes it very easy to install Acquia Drupal), then also installing modules with Drush, working a little with images, creating a custom content type, creating a view. I got into SVN when I wanted to look at the file structure of the site (can't remember exactly why now), but couldn't without SVN. Anyway, I have much more time on the weekends than during the week, and since it sounded like we needed to do this before the next session so we could discuss our challenges. I thought I was just keeping up. I had major problems with Views, setting up a calendar, and only got halfway there, after hours of frustration (Views' default calendar places events by their creation date, rather than by the event date). Got the calendar view to work, but not the Upcoming view. Anyway, lots to show and tell...
Best, Marilyn
To look at the file structure, I think you want to use SSH, not SVN. If you are not sure how to log in with SSH, see Step 4 in this guide: . You can use the rest of the guide to set up SSH without passwords in the future.
Once you have set up a content type, go to the Views admin page and clone the default calendar. (You could edit it instead, but you want to keep a clean copy of the default, right?) Then disable the default copy, because the page views will have the same path. Then, in arguments and filters, remove any reference to the creation date and replace it with the date field in your custom content type.
I think I followed the example in the O'Reilly book, "Using Drupal" (Chapter 9) when setting up my first calendar.
Thanks, Benjii, that helps. I'll be the stereotypical designer/non-programmer, so you all can see how confused we can get with some things that developers take for granted. I've always had C-panel on hosts, have used command-line with developers when necessary but never learned it properly.
The funny thing is that's one thing that drew me to Drupal. The possibility of building a site and learning while I go, without having to know php, ssh, svn, etc. It can be hard, but is possible. At some point you need more, but you can get pretty far on your own.
Here's what I built since last class: this is built on Acquia Drupal stack using Acquia Prosper sub them of Fusion this is built on Drupal Commons installation profile. You'll need to log-in to see anything: user: p2pu pw:p2pu
Best, Marilyn
I like the Drupal Commons theme better: the Prosper theme is too gray and uninviting. One problem with the DC theme is that the primary links do not fit on one line: "My Stuff" flows onto a second line. This probably depends on the browser: I am using Chrome on a Mac. (Safari will probably look the same.)
The traditional way to fix this would be to edit the CSS files in the theme ... and that requires SSH access. SVN is probably even better; maybe that is something I will learn in this class. Maybe the Fusion theme gives you a GUI interface for making CSS tweaks.