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Week 4 - Tasks See the list of Site Organization tutorials. This isn't an exhaustive list of all aspects of site organization, but it covers the essentials.
Task 1: From the tutorials listed, select a minimum of 2 tutorials to practice, each under a different category of site organization. Start at the top, and find the first two that are new to you.
Task 2: While you work on the tutorials, look at how the two aspects of site organization affect each other.
Share what you discover below. Any warnings or tips to offer?
Curious encounters while formatting my website (real one - not the Sandbox)using Text Editor Tinymce. In many instances the formatted text on the editing screen did not translate when viewing the site online.
Anyone else experience this, is it typical, suggestions of how to streamline the formatting?
I'd appreciate any suggestions/recommendations
Paula: I am pretty sure this is caused by the input filter you are using. You can put any text you want into a node (or elsewhere). If you are using a WYSIWYG text editor like TinyMCE, then you may not even be aware what text you are entering. *When the page is displayed*, Drupal applies the selected input format. If that format is "Filtered HTML," then almost all HTML tags are stripped.
I think the solution is to figure out what sort of formatting you want to do, look at the HTML produced by TinyMCE, and configure "Filtered HTML" to allow those tags. Or you can create a new input filter. You could also switch to "Full HTML", but then you risk the sorts of problems that input filters are designed to prevent.
If you come up with a configuration of TinyMCE and a corresponding input filter that work well together, I would like to see them!
Finally finished tasks for week 4, with some delay, my conclusions can be found at