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class meeting times?

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Has a meeting time been decided on for the first meeting, or for regular meetings? Will there be real-time chat or will the course be organized around asynchronous posts and responses?

Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Fri, 2011-01-21 20:30

We have several ways to communicate. The first part of the course, on OpenStreetMap, gives us time to try them out and ask questions. Let's get started with our first discussion and writing pad:

[1] Meet up in the introductions at

[2] Try etherpad, similar to Google Docs, at and discuss when you could join a weekday and a weekend chat. We have participants from all over the world, so I'll try dividing us into East Hemisphere and West Hemisphere for now.

Questions about web pages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) should be shared at

I am working on a website for everyone to post their HTML / JavaScript. You'll be able to see each others' source code and make comments.

Randy Rosso's picture
Randy Rosso
Sun, 2011-01-23 17:42

Sounds great, Nick. Thanks!

Moe Farag's picture
Moe Farag
Sun, 2011-01-23 18:48

Nick, Please announce the final meeting time whenever you reach a convenient time. I can find the time for the first meeting whenever it is. :)

Anita  Kuno's picture
Anita Kuno
Mon, 2011-01-24 05:32

Quoting Nick:
"I am working on a website for everyone to post their HTML / JavaScript. You'll be able to see each others' source code and make comments."

Have you considered using Github?

Mark Beaty's picture
Mark Beaty
Mon, 2011-01-24 19:15

Nick, I suggest saving yourself some time and not reinventing the wheel on a website to post HTML / Javascript. There are tools out there already. One good example is jsFiddle.

Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Mon, 2011-01-24 19:57

I saw jsFiddle from your sign-up task and had trouble setting up OpenLayers at first. I just found another map on jsFiddle and figured out what to do. Here's what I've got: I'll let everyone know when the course starts in a couple of days.


Mark Beaty's picture
Mark Beaty
Mon, 2011-01-24 20:38

Excellent! jsFiddle is pretty cool. Here are a few tips:

* Use ctrl-shift-↑ to collapse/show the left sidebar
* To just see the results, append /show/light to your fiddle URL (e.g.
* Using github to host and demo your fiddles. This is the coolest feature so far IMO. Read more about it here:

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Sat, 2011-02-12 22:16

When do we meet again?

Randy Rosso's picture
Randy Rosso
Tue, 2011-03-15 05:16

Will our meetings continue to be based on GMT? The change to Daylight Savings Time in the US caused some confusion in my PHP class, so I wanted to be sure of the right time for our next mapping class.

Thursday 3/17 at 2 AM GMT = 10 pm EDT? or 9 pm as before?

Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Tue, 2011-03-15 14:49

I have extra time during the day today and tomorrow so join chat anytime for support:

The group chat time continues to be based on NYC, and that time zone has changed, so Thursday 9PM NYC / Friday 1 AM GMT. A quick way to find the time is to Google it:

Randy Rosso's picture
Randy Rosso
Fri, 2011-03-18 03:16

Do we have class tonight? 9PM NYC, 1 AM GMT, right? Is that now or am I missing something? I'm alone in the chat room...

Randy Rosso's picture
Randy Rosso
Fri, 2011-03-18 03:34

The time stamp for my last message indicates the P2PU system thinks it's an hour earlier than my clocks think it is. The meeting must be at 9 pm NYC EST, not EDT - so 10 pm for me in DC. (Which is weird, because NYC follows daylight savings time too...)