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Online Maps with OpenLayers

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trouble getting examples to work

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What do I need to do to get the example in the walkthrough to work from my laptop (Ubuntu/LAMP)?

How do I get this example, to work on jsFiddle?


Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Thu, 2011-02-10 16:52

I just got the OpenGeo example working this morning. The original setup is zoomed too far out, I think

Now, getting the walkthrough example working on your own server:

First, make sure you are importing the OpenLayers library in the section of your page, before any other JavaScript. This would be

Put the map-creation JavaScript into a function, such as

<script type="text/javascript">
function makeMap(){
map = new OpenLayers.Map({div:"map-div"});

Have that function run when all scripts have loaded, by changing <body> to <body onload="makeMap()">

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Sat, 2011-02-12 13:01

Yes, I think I have imported the library. I tried your suggestion and played around with it but still nothing.

intro vert's picture
intro vert
Sun, 2011-02-13 08:09

Ah, I got it.

tyrock- -ford's picture
tyrock- -ford
Thu, 2011-02-10 22:51

If I could piggy back off of your question on examples not working. I got the OpenGeo example up and running but am having problems with the Base layer switching . The OSM layer is fine but I can't seem to get the Bing layer working. The error message tells me that the library script is not included correctly. I checked the Bing Maps API and the code that they use for javascript is not working. My guess is that I am not adding it correctly in the resources.
Any ideas on where I am going wrong?

Nick Doiron's picture
Nick Doiron
Fri, 2011-02-11 00:51

The Bing / Virtual Earth example at that link is outdated. The new version of the Bing layer is described here:

You may prefer the older version because that doesn't require an API key. Make sure you added the script listed in step 2 on your OSGEO link. On jsFiddle, you add it using the Resources panel on the left side.