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Web Accessibility

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I thought I'd add the links for this week's call here on the discussion list.

Using WCAG 2.0 at a glance (, we talked about color contrasts. I mentioned how a colleague (age 60+) had trouble with the UI colors in Office 2010. Logan mentioned using high contrast on his screen for when he is in a different environment (kind of like situational disability). Martin shared an article he'd written on the color contrast topic:
It is indeed ironic, as Martin hinted, that you code to consider the 5% of users on a Mac, but you don't code for the 5% of users who are colorblind.

Two recommended Firefox plugins that evaluate color contrasts are - Gez Lemon's Juicy Studio Toolbar - Accessibility Evaluation Toolbar ("based on iCITA HTML Best Practices (")

From W3C's "Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review", Martin had a link to "Vision Decline with Ageing":

We also discussed meaningful link text, i.e. NOT "click here". Here is one older article from W3C:
and then we tried a Google search for "click here", which was pretty sad (as in meaningless!)

I should add that we touched on alt text again in the beginning of the call to revisit last week's discussion and discussed how tricky it is to do well or properly.