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Then probably someone else is having difficulties too. The great thing is that someone else may already know the solution...
So please ask questions and see if there's someone who can help you out.
Hi everyone -- Has Pippa let anyone know when on Sunday 19th September the extra week one class will be held? I filled out the timeframes but don't know her decision. Thanks so much, Pat
Hi Pippa..
one little question - could you clarify what you mean by "comment these out" in the following sentence:
"You should add in the lines referring for the style tag and the script tag, but please comment these out as you should not be using Javascript or CSS in your current pages"
Sorry that that task wasn't very clearly explained, I've been programming for so long that I took it for granted that everyone knows what I meant by commenting!
The SitePoint article has a great basic HTML page that you should use as a reference. It also includes links to default CSS files and Javascript files which we currently don't use. If we don't want the browser to read and process certain lines of code we can delete them, or we can hide them from the web browser. I'd prefer that you hide them from the browser (or comment them out) as you will need those lines in future weeks.
In HTML you can put specific character formatting around text to stop it being read and processed by the browser. It is often used to place comments in code to explain a decision the developer has made and that's where the name has come from. CSS, Javascript and other programming languages have comment formatting of their own.
In HTML the comments begin like this "<!--" and end like this "-->".
Anything which is between those tags will be hidden from the browser but still readable within the source code of the page.
<p>I'm going to tell you a secret...</p>
<!-- <p>This is the secret, hidden in the source code. </p> -->
<!-- The text on the lines above and the text below are commented out. Copy and paste into your web page to see how it works! -->
thanks Pippa... it's perfectly clear now