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How are you going with the week one tasks and readings?
Please share any questions or feedback in this forum space.
You can also post links to your Week One contact pages here.
If you haven't yet found a place to host your files, please send your page as a text file eg: "PipBContact.txt" as we can't host ".html" files within the forums.
In designers tackling the web forum there was a good post by Eugenia Ortiz about a free web hosting service provider. She suggested which is free ($0.00 webhost). Of course you will have to register a domain($1-$15 depending where) From what I read on thier site it has no forced ads like some other "free" hosting providers. It does have limits since it is free, such as no customer support. But would be good enough to get at least the first week project done.
Curious to get reactions from people using that service. Sounds good for 101 material.
After that, looking at running apps ... is a powerful freemium (free+ premium) development environment option. It's part of the P2PU Intro to Drupal pilot course as well.
Base app library
Including Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, and Magento ect.
Intuitive backup and restore, domain management, team management, project interface, and more.
Developer tools
Include ssh, scp, sftp, phpMyAdmin, cron jobs, access logs, custom php.ini, version control.
It seems to be a questionable host based on several sources:
You decide.
That sucks that people had problems with them. I have been using bluehost for almost a year now, but just started to really use it. I did read about the google sites in "how to make a webpage for dummies". Seems as if it is suppose to be simple, but never have tried. I just started a blogger account and it was super simple.
Have you tried Google, Wiki. I would like to know your opinion about that. There is no fee at all involved. I have had some dificulties using google site building software. Check it out if you haven't done so and let me know
I've got my initial page complete, you can see my efforts at
Very good start, farther than me. I checked out all your links, and they work. I really liked the lifehacker site you had as a link. Never heard of it, but seems like they have tutorials on how to become more efficient in life, which I definitely need. It took me a couple minutes to find out your paragraph was nonsense Latin. Did you use a content generator, and what good ones have you found? I guess images are going to be on the site sooner or later. I like it, RAWR LOL.
Lorem Ipsum is just random text meant to be a placeholder for copy. Tools such as adobe's pagemaker and indesign support direct pasting of Lorem Ipsum text from one of their menus. I've seen it a lot of before so when I start to read a paragraph and see "Lorem Ipsum" I immediately know it's bogus copy.
I didn't see where Pippa asked to do an image but i'll toss a few on since their syntax is similar to an anchor.
that looks great Caley - it's great to see that you've experimented with different semeantic text tags and are playing with some basic CSS too!
in order to have only a select section of text have the highlight displayed, rather than the whole paragraph block, you can use the <span> tags. "span" applies styles to only the text contained by its beginning and end tags.
I am using TextWrangler to create my first basic page and have web space via U of T. I'm having trouble saving from the text editor to my web space. The only instructions on the university UTORweb page that deals with this stuff says:
"Owners of UTORweb space can save documents directly to the web server from browsers and applications such as Microsoft Word, Netscape Composer, MacroMedia® DreamWeaver, Adobe GoLive, using the address "
I don't know whether I can transfer files using TextWrangler or if I need to use another program.
Can anyone help??
Monica you will probably need to use an FTP program or some sort of web-based transfer tool that U of T provides, you could call their help desk and ask how students are supposed to move files onto their web storage.
thanks Caley - I checked around and they're pointing me towards some program called "Fetch" for Mac. They have a free student version. I'll give it a whirl.
Hey Monica,
What they probably mean is you have a username for and password for their site, that ftp address is their actual ftp server.
So page 46 of has the instructions to put in an ftp server's information for textwrangler, and like dfnkt said, you might need to contact the help desk if you need more information than that. If you need more help, I am always in #p2pu on freenode.
Thanks for the reference!!!
Yes, Monica like Caley Woods said you will need some ftp program. You can download free ftp programs like WinSCP etc. I use WinSCP for uploading my documents. Also if you know the command line tools you can also use command line ftp for uploading files.
thanks alot!
Here's my first attempt:
it looks great Monica - and you're demonstrating that you understand the principles of using HTML to structure a document. I'm looking forward to see your skills develop!
Very cool, Monica! I admire the links to multiple pages! And it is nice to learn more about the work you are doing. Good job! I'm looking forward to more! Pat
Hey, just a cool tool that I have been using to test my site, an HTML validator plugin for Firefox NOT MADE BY MOZILLA:
There are also the w3 markup validator:
Trust "skynet"? Yeah, and get your ass terminated!
finally got a page up and running, nothing special.
I like this one alot, I wish I could just remember the movement patterns for pacman!
yeah i feel like a failure when i cant beat the first level
Looks pretty special to me -- how did you get the pac man game to be embedded on your page? I went looking for properties and it sent me to an Adobe Flash player page. Pat
I've uploaded my .html file to my server via ftp but my web browser doesn't find the url:
Any suggestions?
Try ;)
The public_html folder is what the domain directly serves.
Thank you for this one, cool to know dropbox has a badge. I love the grunge background too!
Edit: I just realized that was the wrong link. Yours still rocks!
Forget it, I was being stupid, just needed to drop the public_html bit from the url. Correct link to my very basic page is here:
Oh just saw your reply thanks Vlad. All sorted now.
Does anyone know how to upload my page so there isn't a .html at the end?
It's preventing me from using the validator
Works for me, here is the url
Thanks but I don't think that Validates the actual html document, only the index page that you see if you follow the link
Nope. You can see it even quoting the page on the validation page.
# Info Line 17, Column 110: entity was defined here
…ing else (within reason!) you think we'd like to hear about will be grate…
That is clearly a quote from your website you created.
Hi Nick,
I had .html at the end of my file and the validator worked.
Does anyone else find this captcha painful?
Something I just noticed missing on some of the 1st week sites are the !DOCTYPE. How important is choosing the right one? Also why do some big name sites, ie, only show !DOCTYPE html with > around it? is this because it has HTML5 present on the page?
regarding doctype: some things won't render if you use the wrong DOCTYPE.
According to the lessons, it is imperative. Not optional at all. He mentions the difference between "quirks" and "standards" modes, which were separated by differences in speed and how it will look. (and we are definitely looking for standards based stuff in this course)
Thanks. The one part that confused me the most was XHTML vs HTML. If I am choosing a little style, like colored italic bold text or something, do I need to use the XHTML or HTML !DOCTYPE?
From what I understood, those are never elements you should choose, whether XHTML or HTML. HTML is for marking up the "what" of the web, not the look and feel so much. If you wanted to add a little style, the tool to use is CSS(Cascading Style Sheets).
Can't wait for my next big hurdle, CSS. I chose HTML 4.1 strict !DOCTYPE. Everything appears fine. However, have ran it through a validator, and I show 12 errors and 3 warnings. I'm about to learn how to fix these, some of them seem as if they need CSS though. Thank you Constantine, that is a lot better way of putting what HTML with CSS really is for than others have explained it!
No problem, I have been looking over a non w3c source for some css, if you want to take a look, its a pretty nice step by step guide, but be warned, I have no idea if this is standardsy as we need.
After three tries I got this from w3 validator: The document located at was successfully checked as HTML 4.01 Strict.
my test page, contact page coming soon
My basic html only, with exception to 2 google scripts, google analitycs and google voice badge. First time I have ever done this with a text editor, notepad++, normally use dreamweaver. To keep with the open web mind I used filezilla to ftp, down with the man! It was very fun and am eager to hear suggestions on how to improve on what I have. Also very eager to learn CSS! I have yet to validate as per the reading, but plan on figuring that out when I wake up
Nice Kyle! If I get time tomorrow I want to study your source code and try to emulate some of the elements you added, I really like the simple email form. I took a quick look at it and it looks very simple, but still very cool.
Thank you pastor Josh! The email form doesn't work like I want it to. When you hit send it directs you back to your default email client with all the text you just entered into the form, kind of pointless. I would prefer a way to email directly from the page since most people never set up their outlook/email client. This is something I plan on fixing this week.
I noticed the same thing, and I agree. I'm sure we'll figure out a way to do it this week!
So I did a little more research....It likes like we're going to have to learn a little php to be able to have a properly working email form.
Thanks! did not know that, but PHP was on my list to learn. I have read this is a requirement for any good web developer to know. Please let me know if you find any good sources of education on this
Does anyone know why I'm getting the below error for inputting
as a line break? Is it simply because we are using html 4.01 strict as our doctype? If so what is the correct syntax for a 4.01 strict line break?
Line 12, Column 9: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
The sequence can be interpreted in at least two different ways, depending on the DOCTYPE of the document. For HTML 4.01 Strict, the '/' terminates the tag '). However, since many browsers don't interpret it this way, even in the presence of an HTML 4.01 Strict DOCTYPE, it is best to avoid it completely in pure HTML documents and reserve its use solely for those written in XHTML.
Yeah that took me a bit, it means that the tag doesn't have a closing tag. I had the same problem with my google voice widget, and the answer was to declare the document as XHTML and add an xmlns declaration and an UTF8 declaration.
So I've managed to get my document to pass tentatively. Here's the link to the validation if anyone wants to compare
Hey Kyle,
I just checked over your site and there's a couple of things you should avoid doing as they're not supporting web standards and will confuse browsers designed to work with those standards!
<body bgcolor="#ffffe8";border="3pt">
in this bit of code you're using html to add style (color and border) to the page. This _used_ to be normal and a lot of older pages and tutorials still tell you to do this, even though it is now discouraged. Keeping an eye to modern browsers and web standards, we should only add style information in style sheets (CSS), and use HTML to markup the text and provide structure to the document.
To achieve the same thing using CSS I'd add this to the head of your document or into a style sheet that all the pages in your site can reference.
body {
border: 3px;
another little problem that prevents your pages from being correctly structured HTML code:
<style>h2 {font-size:25pt;color:#505050;background-color:#ccffff;width:300px}</style> <center><h2>Playing With HTML</h2>
_If_ you're going to assign CSS directly to an HTML tag in a document (this is not recommended however), you can do it like so:
;<h2 style="font-size:25pt;color:#505050;background-color:#ccffff;width:300px; text-align:center;">Playing With HTML</h2>
otherwise you should place the <style> content in the head of your document (between <head> and </head> or in a CSS file that all your pages reference.
Otherwise, I'm impressed with your multi-page sample site!
We will begin to look at CSS in week 3, it would be great if everyone focussed on making the HTML clean and correct in the Week 2 versions of their sites.
Cool thanks! Yeah when I ran it through the validator almost everything was showing as CSS can fix it. I plan to start over today with a cleaner page/site, not using HTML for style, for week 2. Can't wait to learn CSS. Sorry I missed the 9/24/10 class was caught up in a A+ study group for my exam this Friday.
Here is my page for this week. If I have time tomorrow, I'll try to make a version with some table elements and some CSS.
Great sermon! loved the last 2 sentences, and am going to keep that as a quote to remember! Also thank you for the newboston channel link, there seems to be an endless supply of good tutorials there! Great work, and enjoyed the read. Wish I could see you in action tomorrow!
Josh, you're absolutely correct - interactive forms and PHP - that's jumping a little ahead of Web Dev 101!
I can send you some more resources, but we will be spending most of our time looking at the basics of HTML and CSS.
Oh great I'm guessing you can't write html tags in this forum as it just removed mine from my previous post. Not too helpful for getting tips on correct tags!
Try a pastie site like
Well, that took a lot more than I expected!
Hey all,
After some domain issues (human error on my part) I finally have a place of my own to post some material.
I apologize for not chiming in the forums yet, but my wife and I have just got our kids settled into school, hockey, figure skating etc. Bit of a tough go this year getting into a routine but I think we're finally there so I should be more 'vocal' from now on.
Some really good material so far and I can't wait to see how it progresses.
Hi Justin, I really like how your page looks! You are inspiring me. Very nice!
I have validated my HTML for week 1, but I can't upload it to my host until I go home. But I did try an interesting experiment. I finished installing a wordpress on my host yesterday, and I know that you can put html in the posts, so I simple copied and pasted my HTML into the post and I think it looks OK. Here is the link:
Really like how it looks!
Just joined a few days back. Don't want to miss the first week activities. Can you help in getting the portions covered.
Biju George
Hi Biju George,
you can read through the readings linked from this page and can work on the first week's activity: Use this forum to ask for help and feedback from the community.
Pippa Buchanan
I finally got my page up on Sunday, and noodled about with it yesterday...this morning, realized I hadn't posted the URL to the group! It's just my first effort, but it feels great to have it up there. Here's the URL: