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Assignment 2 - Child of A Child?

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Ok, possibly dumb question: My assignment site is a child theme to begin with - it uses Thematic as a template. If it's best practice to create a child theme when you want to make changes, wouldn't I make a child of the child? I tried and it didn't seem to work. When I specify the child theme as the template, wp says the theme is broken. WHen I specify thematic, it works. Have I sent myself on a wild goose chase?


Sean McAuliffe's picture
Sean McAuliffe
Sat, 2011-02-05 06:59

To clarify, I'm using theme B, which is a child of A but want to make my own custom changes. So my thought is I would want to make a child theme C, whose parent is B. Holy crap...

Sean McAuliffe's picture
Sean McAuliffe
Sat, 2011-02-05 07:13

Ok, answered my own question - you can't make a child of a child. In case you're interested, here's an explanation from the FAQ for the child theme I started with (AutoFocus+):

"Because, AF+ Pro is already a child theme, the best way to customize it is to edit the theme files directly, while keeping a changelog of the changes. When you upgrade you’ll need to repeat the custom edits into the new version. In the coming months, I’ll be turning AF+ PRO into a standalone theme which means you’ll be able to build your own custom, future proof Child themes for AF+ PRO that don’t rely on Thematic."

What an ungrateful child...