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I know this is an experiment and I remain hopeful. But at this point, I'm wondering what makes this a "course" exactly. Personally, I would feel better if I had a sense of where we're headed and how we're going to get there. Will it just be "Do A, B and C by Sunday night, and if you have questions, use the internet" ? Because if so, well, been doing that for a while now ;) What makes what we're doing different?
I'd love to hear other people's opinions - I'm really hoping other folks are more confident about this than I am and maybe I'm just missing something.
--Sean McAuliffe
Sean, I think the difference really will be feedback. What distinguishes a course from just learning solo, to me, is that a course provides a rubric/feedback/sounding board.
You can write you on blog every day and learn solo. But in a course there's someone to comment and provide a grade/feedback.
That sums up the difference for me. Additionally, I'd like to think that the number of other students and their assignment examples raise the overall quality of my work (because now instead of just trying for the heck of it there are benchmarks of quality by which my own work will be compared).
Joseph has said exactly what I came in to say, but better ;-).
I'm just not disciplined enough to create stuff under my own steam - having real deadlines and peer discussions is for me the best part of this.
There are teacher led courses out there (e.g. SitePoint, although no WordPress courses there yet) and they are excellent but this method of learning has great advantages I think and as we slowly get used to it, forum discussions will increase, as will activity in the chat room and the opportunity to learn will come with it.
There is an element of "Do A, B and C by Sunday night, and if you have questions, use the internet" but with the addded bonuses of focus and discussion.
I'm confident in it because at last I'm buckling down and getting stuff done, knowing that there are 200+ of us doing the same thing.
Hope this helps!
These are the kinds of comments I was hoping to hear, and I think you all make very good points. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss it. Feeling a bit more motivated now!
Yay! Now come on, back to work, your client needs that photography site asap!
As a former university professor, I would elaborate that there are two types of courses, ordinary undergrad courses, where the expectation is that the students sit more or less passively while the professor provides most of the info and does most of the talking -- this is NOT that kind of course -- or there are grad school courses, in which the students are becoming experts in the field in their own right, and so there is much more expectation that the students will participate actively and help teach each other -- this IS that kind of course.
William - good point, never went to grad school but am familiar with the process. Assuming there is a professor involved in there somewhere - but also tuition!
As a former teacher myself, I totally understand the value of self-direction, but I do also think that there's an important distinction between a "course" and a "guided study group". I definitely expect to be a total self-starter through this process, but I do still have some basic questions around this first assignment, like...
- Is it going to be evaluated at all, beyond a "Yes" / "No" on whether or not we met the basic criteria in the assignment?
- If there _are_ any additional expectations, what are they? I've got a little more time to spend on it, but I don't know how to best spend it. Does the visual impact of the site matter as much or more than the technical sophistication?
- Is this sample site going to serve as a base for future assignments, or is it a one-off exercise?
Those are all pretty basic questions that I think would really help us all to know. Does that make sense?
i'll echo you on that Laurent! thanks for articulating that. it would be good to know the answers to those questions.
I will Third that. These are good points for all instructors teaching design involved class here at P2PU. To help with some basic guidelines and expectations for each course.
I with second (er, fourth) the thoughts above. Lots of former teachers, I am one too. I am all about self-learning, but maybe posting some tutorials for the students without a background to catch up will help?
i hate to say it, but i don't see that this is working for me. it seems everyone is off on different feet using different themes, different child themes, and different plugins for galleries, slideshows etc.
its cool that different people are coming up with different things... but when joe blow using abc theme and xyz plugin needs help, i'm certainly no expert with that configuration. furthermore, how would joe blow help me? won't this gap also widen as the weeks go on and the sites get more and more functionality?
i'll stick it out and complete the assignments as i understand them, but i don't see how group learning is going to happen if the students aren't on the same page with eachother.
i'm just going to get a book and teach myself as the course goes on.
Hey is this Joe Blow related to Joe the Plumber? JK
I am hopeful that our teacher/facilitator will be online on the irc channel tomorrow. I agree communication/direction could be a lot better.
Sorry guys, I've been mostly offline since Friday night with a family emergency and an unexpected work deadline so I'm trying to catch up fast.
Darren, I really hope that you'll stick it out for a while, you're a valuable member of "Team WP WebDev" (have I been reading too much American literature lately? ;-)).
I'm going to email Nuno today and invite him over to the forums and chat but first I need to edit my profile - it's suddenly changed to:
"ICT based education practitioner.E-learning consultant and also computer science Msc student!"
...which is so patently untrue! Not sure how it got there either.
Anyway, just going to sort a few things out then hopefully I'll be back to make some suggestions.
- When someone submits an assignment and we see it could be improved in some way we suggest to the student what can be made and how it can be accomplished.
- On the forums and the chat channel you have a handful of people eager to help and give their opinions on your work and answers your questions.
-I will be blogging and tweeting about the best assignments and this can give you visibility.
Now don't think this is easy. Not everyone will be able to complete the course. It takes significant effort to take on an assignment each week and complete it on time. Actually I believe most people will not be able to complete it! But if you do it makes you someone very special and I'm sure other people will notice that as well.
Also I'm preparing more surprises for this course so stay tuned :)
And now with links!
Yeah, have to admit that this wasn't quite what i was expecting. I think it is difficult to help someone when they're off using different themes and plugins. I've been working with WP for a couple years now and there things we could learn/share with each other if reviews were more organized somehow.
Also, just noticed that the assignment emails were going to my spam box for some reason, it'd be nice to post assignment details as a discussion also...they do that in my php course.
Son, good idea - I'll start posting each assignment as a new discussion thread when Nuno posts the next one, Assignment #3. There is a thread for Assignment #2:
started by Polly but if anyone has specific WordPress problems, ideas they'd like to discuss, please feel free to start a new thread!
I see what you mean about us all using different themes and plugins. If you're interested, you could start a thread about a specific theme or plugin and anyone who uses that theme/plugin can contribute while those who aren't familiar with it can learn from it?