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Hi, I'm having a problem with my site and I figured I would create a new discussion thread for general problems for use in the future.
Soooo my problem is:
The subdomain for assignment 1 has been loading very slow for me on multiple computers, in multiple browsers and using multiple internet connections. You can find that url here: Today, I have had problems loading the page entirely. It gives me the error message that the connection was reset - though sometimes it loads. While my main site only has the under construction page up right now - I have still been able to login to view my site. It has never been slow or had any problems until I installed wordpress and now it is also showing the same error message. Though sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Is this most likely a server/hosting problem? I am using joomla for my main website. Is it too much to have both joomla and wordpress installed? It's not unheard of. How do I know or find out if I need a bigger hosting package? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm fairly new at all of this and have pretty much been winging it from the start.
Also just saw this problem when trying to access my file manager:
"Can't use string ("1") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /data/config/fileman/lib/FileMan/ line 1628."
I just whacked your site through Pingdom, one of my favorite tools, and it looks like your site is slow to respond (maybe DNS, maybe lazy server, maybe sluggish database, can't be sure), and there appears to be a script in your theme called TimThumb that's slowing you down. I'm guessing TimThumb has a cache setting that needs to be turned on, or you could install a cache plugin to try and boost things up a bit.
I've also been told that PHP5 has to be installed on the server. I had a problem with one of my sites not loading the pictures. I tried everything and was told many times that it was TimThumb. Finally, I installed it on a different server (the client was hosting it, and I tried it on mine). It worked fine. The client's host discovered that the problem was with the version of PHP. So you might contact your hosting company and ask them which version of PHP was installed.
Thanks for the info! I found out from my hosting company (network solutions) that its version 5.1.something or other - so that shouldn't be the problem. But it's helpful just to rule things out!
Thank you so much! That is a great tool! Do you have any recommendations for a chache plugin? Or even know what direction to send me in to turn on the cache setting for a plugin? It came with my theme...
I suppose the slow response things is something to figure out with my host!
Thanks again!
WP-SuperCache has never done me wrong, but like all plugins, there's a diversity of opinions.
I recently changed from iPage to Dreamhost because of wordpress performance. I don't want to shill for them or anything though, everyone is in a different area and everyones hosts have their servers in different places too. I finally started searching for ones that were known to be good with wordpress and joomla (or any mysql/php "LAMP" kind of thing).
Thanks everyone for all of your help! I will post an update when I work everything out with all of the things that worked and didn't work - just in case anyone has similar issues in the future!