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1st assignment url, with list of plugins, etc.

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The url for the site I submitted is
There are three menu areas, the top right, the normal one below the header, and lower left using special classes, (click the check mark on screen options).
The rotating picture is using wp_cycle, it is in the repository.  The text below it is just a text widget in a sidebar area.  The four images are just featured images associated with posts.  The form is a commercial plugin/widget gravity forms.  The theme is Manhatten from Studio Press.  The only change I made is to replace the normal credits at the bottom to my own which is painfully out of date.

Tina Arnoldi's picture
Tina Arnoldi
Sat, 2011-01-29 23:27

Wow - that looks great. I need to check out wp_cycle.

Rhianon England's picture
Rhianon England
Sat, 2011-01-29 23:59

Yea I didn't even know that someone adopted it Jquery Cycle to work with wordpress, myself. The JQuery plugin is GREAT.

I have my assignment up here:
Its pretty empty right now :) I purposely chose a blank theme, with a lot of options in place, so I can dissect how they did it (stuff like post thumbnails, widget areas - php is NOT one of my strong areas in life). I'm assuming we'll be building on this for the next few assignments.
I'm using NextGen for the gallery, and installed "fancybox" to use with the thumbnails. Looks MUCH nicer.

Danny Smith's picture
Danny Smith
Sun, 2011-01-30 00:14

I like your background and theme, it is a nice clean design.

Sidebar areas and widgets are something that comes with experience. They are a two edged sword as they can make it easier to change a site quick, but all of the data / settings is stored in the database, and you can't just quickly look at the source to see what is doing.

I have never really liked nextgen, seems like they have made it harder than it has to be. I wish someone would make a good one. I wish we could have used WordPress 3.1 beta, the new post formats will make setting up basic galleries pretty easy.

Danny Smith's picture
Danny Smith
Sun, 2011-01-30 00:08

I encourage other people to post their url, and info, I think it could be a great learning tool to see how other people did it, and to find new themes, plugins etc. Thank you for the kind comments, but I am really not fishing for praise, just hope to have a learning tool.

Gebhard Matt's picture
Gebhard Matt
Sun, 2011-01-30 00:37

Hi, I made mine very simplist...

I used "content slide plugin", "photoq" and "quick contact" as plugins and "iQ2" as theme. I have modified "Content slide" to use as a static front page and to use random posts.
And I have edit iQ2 to remove sidebar and place tags at bottom.

Myke Hoff's picture
Myke Hoff
Tue, 2011-02-01 08:48

Noriko, very nice site. It's clean and has good UI. How did you set up the contact page up differently to include the social plug ins? Is that from the contact 7 plug in?

Olga Cuevas's picture
Olga Cuevas
Sun, 2011-01-30 01:14

my 1st assignnement:
Theme: fotofolio-landscape,
Plugin Contact Form 7:

Mehmet Akyol's picture
Mehmet Akyol
Sun, 2011-01-30 02:58


Here is what I did:

I used the theme called ePhone from ElegantThemes. It was a great theme to work with. It has already built-in gallery page and even contact page. But for the contact page I used the plugin Contact Form 7. Hope you get an idea of my work.


Barbara Langendoen's picture
Barbara Langendoen
Sun, 2011-01-30 08:33

Wow there are a lot of great sites created!!

Here is mine:
It is based on the Anthology theme which I bought at Themeforrest for a website I created for an painter:

So manny idea's and tips already. Thanks all!


Herbert Nerder's picture
Herbert Nerder
Sun, 2011-01-30 09:17

Mine is here:

It's fairly simple so far because I opted to start from scratch. But, I'll probably keep adding to it and tweaking.

The gallery is NextGen, the slider is Nivo, and that's about it.

Faramarz Kolivand's picture
Faramarz Kolivand
Sun, 2011-01-30 09:37

here is mine:

it's based on a free theme framework but i kinda restructured the HTML and CSS and the PHP template tags to make it the way i wanted it.. it's fairly simple but fast.

these are the plugins i used:

Quick Flickr Widget
Really Simple CAPTCHA
Shadowbox JS
Contact Form 7

Myke Hoff's picture
Myke Hoff
Tue, 2011-02-01 08:54

Looks good and more importantly, it's very quick to load

Frankie Yan's picture
Frankie Yan
Sun, 2011-01-30 10:07

My attempt is here:

The images on the homepage are pulled from posts with the AutoFocus theme, instead of from the gallery.. so now I have duplicate content on the site, which isn't really a good idea. I do really like how this theme looks though so in the future I may work on pulling content dynamically from the gallery and displaying them in the same way on the home page. The gallery page uses the NextGEN Gallery plugin.

Núria Ramoneda Aiguadé's picture
Núria Ramoneda Ai...
Sun, 2011-01-30 15:57

Hello, my url is here:
I used the ephoto template from
This theme uses this 3 plugins:

Lighbox 2:
WP-Pge Navi:

But I've deactivated the Lighbox 2 and insert and activate another plugin, the Fancy Box for Wordpress ( With this plugin it can be set the "scale images to fit in viweport" that is necessary if your original images are too big.

Have a nice sunday!


Sean McAuliffe's picture
Sean McAuliffe
Sun, 2011-01-30 16:06

Hey all! Here's mine. Thanks to all for posting info about what you used, etc. Lots of good stuff.

Child-Theme: (free version)

Happy Sunday...


Maurice Griffin's picture
Maurice Griffin
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:39


Maurice Griffin's picture
Maurice Griffin
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:39


Polly Jones's picture
Polly Jones
Sun, 2011-01-30 22:16

Not completely done, but hoping I will be happy enough with it to turn it in today! (feedback appreciated)

I used wp_cylce and gallery reloaded for images.
Theme is Landscape from Studiopress.

Not happy with the gallery reloaded, but I have tried TONS of plugins, and I don't know how or where to insert the code into the theme to get them to work, so for now, I used one with a shortcode into the page. Hope we learn stuff like that in here, would make using lots of the plugins so much easier.

Maurice Griffin's picture
Maurice Griffin
Sun, 2011-01-30 22:21

Mines at:

I used fotofolio landscape as a theme, and the Fast Secure Contact Form plugin on the contact page. I played with many other plugins but ended up just using the themes built in functionality and the built in WordPress gallery.

Polly Jones's picture
Polly Jones
Mon, 2011-01-31 04:29

Super creative! Really dig the language. And it does whip the llama's a@@! Gosh, so much creativity on these sites makes me wonder what I am doing here.

Katie Combs's picture
Katie Combs
Sun, 2011-01-30 23:24

Mine is here:

(My mom had actually mentioned wanting to get her photos on a site, so I tried to kill 2 birds w/ one stone.)

I used the Fullscreen theme:

But the images on the landing page are attached to posts, so I installed the Shiba Media Library Plugin:
Which let me tag images and use them multiple times in posts/galleries (so no need to reupload/duplicate).

I was bummed that I couldn't find a gallery plugin that both allowed me to pull from existing objects in my media library AND had "next" "back" arrows (rather than clicking thru to individual photos)...but I guess that type of thing is why I'm here! Also used Contact Form 7 Plugin for the contact page.

Great to look @ all the others.

Polly Jones's picture
Polly Jones
Mon, 2011-01-31 04:24

I love your site! Your theme is gorgeous and really showcases all the black and white images beautifully! You have an artistic eye. (I'm jealous!)

Chris Bishop's picture
Chris Bishop
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:23

I really like the emphasis on the photography with the page essentially being made up of blocks of the artists images.

Thanks for the heads up for SML plugin

Maurice Griffin's picture
Maurice Griffin
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:29

Good job! I started out trying to use that theme but ditched it because it was annoying to configure for a quick project like this. I am soo checking out that plugin you found! Maybe by the end of this class we will be writing plugins like that? Is that the plan?

Lauren Paige's picture
Lauren Paige
Mon, 2011-01-31 01:26

hi all! Finished the assignment!

I've just started making websites for clients as opposed to for my own personal use - so the transition to professional and clean looking websites has been difficult. Any feedback is welcomed!

Here it is:
The plugins I used:
-Fast Secure Form
-NextGen Gallery
-Per Page Sidebars
-WP Custom Widget
I used the theme: the unstandard ( but I cutomized the stylesheets a bit.

I don't love what I did...It doesn't have the professional crisp look that everyone else's has, which may be because I used my own pictures. Where did everyone get such nice photos (did anyone use free stock photos?) - you aren't all photographers are you?

Also, in retrospect I'm not sure it's very user friendly. I set it up sort of like a photoblog - each entry on the main page would contain a photo or series of photos (because I am a big believer in always having fresh content on your website) and then there is a separate link to the gallery that would contain all of the photoalbums.

Would also appreciate some feedback on the speed of the site. I don't know if it's my server or all of the photos or possibly that they are mostly in jpg format, but it seems to be going very slow for me.

All if all - I loved everyone's work - I'm excited to be working alongside all of you!

Polly Jones's picture
Polly Jones
Mon, 2011-01-31 04:20

Don't feel bad, I used my own pictures too! Heck, I have hundreds to choose from, and I like them. I figure if we are going to be working on improving this site, I would rather look at pictures of my kids and my life while doing so!

Chris Bishop's picture
Chris Bishop
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:19

Used a fun Swiss minimalist theme for mine and only one plugin:
Fast Secure Contact Form

I've been playing around with Website Optimization and wanted to make a minimal quick site for the client


Chris Bishop's picture
Chris Bishop
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:21

Nice Lauren Paige, the hover's and link beneath the About header seem a bit quirky. But I like minimalism

Lauren Paige's picture
Lauren Paige
Mon, 2011-01-31 18:40

huh. I just saw that. Are you referring to the fact that pretty much all of the text is linking to in the sidebar? Because now that I pay closer attention to it that's what I see. I have no idea why that might be - I am using the "text" widget for both the about and contact sidebar and am not linking to that url in either of them. Can anyone help me out with that?

Lauren Paige's picture
Lauren Paige
Mon, 2011-01-31 18:43

Woops! Nevermind - I was being silly and forgot to close the tag in the first widget. Was that the quirky thing you were referring to?

James Dunn's picture
James Dunn
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:39

Well, I finally got something put together. I've been working on a site all week for a real, paying client, so I had to go minimalist on this one. Here's the link to it: - and the photos are some that my wife took of some of the countryside here in rural Georgia.

I used the PicasaWeb plugin to display the gallery. I could have had it link back to the web album to show full size pictures, but I chose not to initially.

The theme is: Producer by

I normally use Contact Form 7, but chose to use Contact Form, by this time, just to see how it worked. I'm always experimenting with plugins just to see if I can find something better - that's how I've found some of the gems that I use all the time.

Now, back to a proposal for an author that is wanting a site built this week.

Eric Chapman's picture
Eric Chapman
Mon, 2011-01-31 06:10

I havn't posted mine yet, so here we go. I initially misunderstood the assignment, wasn't sure it would be okay to just use a theme found online, so I went to work building one from scratch. Well, almost. I used "Starkers" as a base -- it's a starter template, with all of the relevant code but none of the design structure, it's kind of a hollowed-out Twenty Ten. It's there to save time.
Anyway, I tried to keep it simple. No plugins, only one image used in the design to give the background some texture. Everything is done with CSS, HTML and PHP.
I'm also using TypeKit for fonts, and used a starter typography template from Type-A-File for the typography.

Adrian Estrada's picture
Adrian Estrada
Mon, 2011-01-31 14:18

Well ... I posted it before on the other thread... I think this is the right place...

my assignment is here:

The theme used was:
and You can check it live here:

so I changed the header a little, and some fonts implementing some from the google fonts gallery

Plugins used:
ContactMe: (Nice form includes reCaptcha by default, the best captcha ever)
Polaroid gallery: (Nice CSS3 gallery)

Joshua Thomas's picture
Joshua Thomas
Mon, 2011-01-31 16:29

Oops, I also accidentally posted on the other thread.

Here's my submission (again): Wish I really could have done more with
it, but my schedule's all over the place. Had fun though!

PS: Has anyone come across a permissions issue when uploading files to WP's
media library on a web host? The established "fix" is changing the perms on
the wp-content/uploads directory to 0777 but I'm not very comfortable with
that. Anyone else got any clues as to a proper remedy?

Chris Bishop's picture
Chris Bishop
Mon, 2011-01-31 16:33

I just checked yours and it seems the host has suspended your site :(

Igor Spasojevic's picture
Igor Spasojevic
Mon, 2011-01-31 17:35

Its ok, admin just check site for malicious content. Will return in normal soon. :)

Alexey Polarny's picture
Alexey Polarny
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:09

on 000webhost you always need to wait for moderation, it takes too much time sometimes, i'm using and changes i apply work right away, and are also told to be ok.

praveen's picture
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:35

Hi , Can Some one tell me where the details of the assignment for week 1 is specified, not able to find it .

Oscar Pagani's picture
Oscar Pagani
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:43


Here is my post:

It is a work in progress because I encountered some problems during installation.

I am using slicehost as my VPS hosting and I am running Apache 2 in Linux Ubuntu 10.4.

Most of the class members are probably using a web hosting that runs the web server for you and you probably did not encounter the same problems.

If you are running your own version of Apache you might be interested in my blog.

Stoney Noell's picture
Stoney Noell
Tue, 2011-02-01 00:24

Hey! My test site is at EpicLifeCreative.Net

I used TheStyle by elegant themes.

For plugins I added, Contact Form 7, My Brand Login, NextGEN Gallery, Simple Social - Sharing Widgets & Icons, and WordPress Importer.

I am having trouble with pictures loading correctly... I'm not sure how to resolve that..

Allen May's picture
Allen May
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:41

Here is my assignment:

I used the F8 Lite theme and some images on my PC.
I twiddled for hours on the gallery trying to get it to close the gap between the rows of images. Sometimes I get lost in a deep dark hole trying to troubleshoot CSS...

Myke Hoff's picture
Myke Hoff
Tue, 2011-02-01 07:54

Wow, I missed this forum. My assignment was posted on

I'm still tryin to figure out how to add different plug-ins to the specific pages, like putting thumbnails on the gallery page. I used the theme sliding door. I'm also trying to figure out how to add a google maps plug-in to the contacts page since I found a Client X in my search and think I should let people click "get directions" if the want

praveen's picture
Tue, 2011-02-01 11:27

Hi Nuno/Team

Here is my basic Wordpress site hosted at

The Theme I used is Liquorice 1.5.7

For Photo Gallery I used "Gallery Just Better"

For Contact Form , I used "Easy Contact Form "

Hope this is fine, do let me know any feedback .
