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Walkthrough for Week 2 Assignment

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Here is the link for the walkthrough:

As you can see there was some confusion (totally my fault!) about this assignment. Everyone ended up using a poll plugin when in fact the goal was to get people into the creation of a basic widget. If you're interested in that I hope the walkthrough is enough to get you started now :)

Aashvi Vyas's picture
Aashvi Vyas
Tue, 2011-02-15 21:28

Thanks for detailed explanation for widget creation concept.
i also gone through following references



all above reference us
"add_action" function with different 1st

add_action("plugins_loaded", "myHelloWorld_init");
add_action('widgets_init', array($this, 'init_myWidget'));

your walkthrough not use this function.
Nuno! please provide us
- In which case we need to use add_action function?
- What happen if we pass 1st argument as "plugins_loaded" or "widget_loaded"?


Matej Rokos's picture
Matej Rokos
Tue, 2011-02-15 23:15

These two hooks (plugins_loaded and widgets_init) are different as Plugins and Widgets are different. Historically, plugins were in Wordpress before Widgets. A plugin does not have to be a widget, but widget is always a plugin.
Read about it on

For creating widgets you may also use WP_Widget class wchich was introduced in Wordpress 2.8. I use WP_Widget in my submission.
Take look and download the source code: