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Ok, so I guess I get to ask the dumb questions again.
1. If now we have Client Y, are we creating ANOTHER website for him with his requests or just adding to Client Y's requests to Client X's site?
2. Are we supposed to modify plug-ins to accomplish this? I certainly can't write this stuff from scratch.
3. I take it the checkboxes are for a poll?
Not sure if it is entirely related. Nuno or others, would greatly appreciate if you could relevant Campfire chat log available? Thanks.
Oh yes please! It's late at night, I'm busy and I'm struggling to remember all the great suggestions people came up with in the chat room!
There isn't that much useful information in the chat logs. However if you're stuck at any particular point of the assignment let us know and we'll try to help.
I'm going to paste the assignment here so that we can refer to it:
1. Create a custom login form
2. Customize the admin panel (he doesn’t like the default panel)
3. Create a custom widget in the frontpage with multiple checkboxes:
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Here's my take on it:
1. You should do what's best for you and your "client"! A new WP install? Modify the existing one? Up to you. You could add a plugin to your existing theme/install? Google for *wordpress customize login* etc.
2. There are a number of ways you can do this and you can do as much or as little as you have time/knowledge for. And as you point out, there are plugins too.
Just change the background colour or add a logo, up to you. There was some discussion on whether changes to the Admin panel would be saved when the client upgraded WordPress (e.g. from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5). So lots of ways of doing this part of the question, I think I'm going to read up on creating an Admin theme:
3. There was quite a lot of discussion about this in the chatroom, a lot of people were going to add a poll widget (e.g. PollDaddy), some were going to create a plugin.
Could other people add their thoughts please?
1+2 i am going to just modify with css and this link
3 i am going to create a widget from scratch and output some basic html code (that will do nothing)
alternately, there are plugins for all of this if you want to go that route. just search for "login widget" "branded login" "admin theme" "branded admin" "poll daddy" or whatever strikes you.
oh, one other thing. i plan to make all these changes in the functions.php of my already created clientx theme (rather than create something new).
being in functions.php, when someone activates the theme it will go all branded and have my custom plugin built in. when they disable it, it goes back to default wordpress. just thought i would mention that.
So, we CAN do these changes on Client X's site? Can we then change the poll options to reflect photography genre or something, or is this leading to something else? I really don't want to screw anything up, it's just if we are going to do it in the same site, I kinds want it all to flow and match. I'm a little odd like that.
Feel free to do the changes where it suits you best. You can of course change the poll options.
Do we need to provide you with a user/password to login and see the changed admin panel? I know you can see the changed login form by going to the login page, but you won't be able to see the admin panel unless you actually login will you?
Ideally you would provide the user/pass. If this is a problem you can also submit a screenshot.
Posted the assignment:
I've installed the CleanAdmin plugin, plugin (which cause me to adjusted the twentyten child css) and added in the sidebar login.
I'm going to need to figure out how to make the widget area of the template more flexible
Played catchup this weekend - #1 & #2 "completed." (That is, got something up that I would like to now improve.) Not yet figured out how to apply changes to just the child page, but am now exploring css as the means.