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Collaborative Lesson Planning

Weeks 4 & 5 (p)review

Charles Danoff's picture
Thu, 2011-02-24 09:33

Cf. P2PU Cycle 4 Collaborative Lesson Planning Weeks 2 & 3 Recap and p2pu Cycle 4 Collaborative Lesson Planning Week 1 Recap

I would like do hat tips to Karen's "End of wk one in P2PU Mktg course" post for inspiring me to put these reviews on my blog, and Justin Hall for exposing me to the "(p)review" idea.

Review: Week 4 | February 16th - 22nd, 2011

Per the syllabus, Joe and Brylie did a good job of talking with their peers on Med's journal and eachother.

Joe continued to refine his "Implementing Paragogy" lesson plan. In stride, Dr. King continued pushing him to improve. In the same vein, Brylie posted the ESL lesson plan he mentioned earlier.

Aside from responding to posts and wikignoming, for me in week 4 I just about followed through on my "Plan to Finish My Chinese Lesson Plan Resource". FUN WITH ENGLISH 7B & 8B: Unofficial Teacher's Handbook was printed, but roughly an hour after my 23:59h. USA CT deadline.

In the forums Brylie also shared a very cool idea of Seven generation sustainability in regards to his Free Culture studies.

Finally something I wanted to do in week 4 was chat with members via IM/phone/whatever and I was able to do so with Brylie and Joe (latter albeit within the context of his class). Have not done that previously in this course, and I wish I had. Not to talk anything away from other asynchronous ways we chat in the course, but real-time communication is just quicker and makes the course more tangible/real.

I know this falls into the "duh" & "obvious" category, but its worth noting. The live meetings in Joe and Marisa's course have been my inspiration and I'm going to continue following their lead.


Week 5 | February 23rd - March 1st, 2011 Preview

To begin, I am going to schedule our first live meeting. It will be this Monday at 18:00 GMT. We will do it in the chat available in our P2PU course.

Additionally I will again try and talk 1-on-1 with everyone to catch up and do my regular e-mails.

As for homework I want to expand on the paragogical direction I started with my Chinese lesson plans. I am going to send everyone to Joe and Brylie's lesson plans on Wikiversity and ask for comments. Additionally, if possible, I hope they can also edit them. Hopefully this will give us all a sense of "Collabortive Lesson Planning" in action.

Those who have not yet uploaded lesson plans will naturally be encouraged to do so as well. The reading will be "Collaborative Development Methods" our course document. The goal will be to refine it into a smooth PDF we can publish *in print* as a "Saddle Stich US Trade" (scroll down to "Book Specifications" in Lulu to give to teachers, and for our own vanity.

image: "Learning to swim" taken from the Dictionnaire encyclopédique Trousset, also known as the Trousset encyclopedia, Paris, 1886 - 1891. Found in Old Book Illustrations. Image is in the public domain in the United States, because it was published before 1923 outside the US by a foreign national, check Cornell's "Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States" for more detail.

this post was orignially published on Left in Front