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Copyright 4 Educators (AUS)

My recent threads

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Getting Started: where is everyone?

Go back to: General discussion

I have sent broadcast emails to you all informing you of the discussions space I have set up for you on plus instructions on how to edit using a wiki and the need for you to create an account to access and edit the wiki.
I note only the Gold Group appears to have started to communicate with each other. One person commented in the Aqua Group. So far I see no activity on the Lime or Violet group pages.

This is little push to Aqua, Lime and Violet groups to start engaging with each other and the Case Scenario.

If you have any technical issues, please let me know


Jenny Harpley's picture
Jenny Harpley
Wed, 2010-09-29 06:00

hi Delia - I am Jenny harpley in the Violet group and i have sent my info in but have not seen any other Violet group members registered?

Delia Browne's picture
Delia Browne
Wed, 2010-09-29 07:54

Jenny would you mind sending an email to your groups members asking them to
1. introduce themselves under the forum section and
2. go the wiki space and start working
3. Email me and the group if they now wish to discontinue


Joan Swanson's picture
Joan Swanson
Thu, 2010-09-30 06:50

Hi, I'm Joan. I am having technical problems. Have got this far and I am working out how to get to Wiki space to start interacting.