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Copyright 4 Educators (AUS)

Part 1 Case Study 2 Readings

Delia Browne's picture
Fri, 2010-09-17 07:16

Case Study 2
Key words: student use of copyright material, exceptions, limitations, fair use, fair dealing 

Overview: This week, you will learn the answers to the questions: Who owns copyright? What rights does a copyright owner have? What rights do others have to use copyright material? 

When we say that a person owns “copyright” in a work, we mean that a person has the right to do (or authorise other people to do) certain specific things with that work.  These specific rights are known as “exclusive rights” and they are set forth in the Copyright Act 1968.  Another person may not undertake any of these activities without the permission of the copyright owner, unless their use falls within certain exceptions or statutory licences set out in the Copyright  Act. The broadest and most commonly used of these exceptions is fair dealing for research or study, which allows students and researchers to use copyright material in ways which are fair.

Readings and Resources

  • Chapters 5 Users’ Rights, Introducing Copyright A plain language guide to copyright in the 21st Century by Julien Hofman

Selected links to Smartcopying Website

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