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Group B - Getting Started

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Hello, Group B!

Please get started on the following tasks, intended to help you get to know your fellow group members and get accustomed to communicating online.  Please use this Forum to get started on the following tasks ASAP. 

  1. Introduce yourself to your classmates and explain why you are taking this course.
  2. Decide who will be responsible for submitting each of the group responses to the Case Scenarios.
  3. Figure out which technology will work best for your group to connect and collaborate throughout this course.  It may be a good idea to “meet” online at agreed times to discuss each week’s discussion questions or Case Scenario. (You are free to use the P2PU Forum for all of your group discussions if you think that will work best.  However, there are numerous other technologies out there that provide real time/live communication capabilities.  See the link for Communication Tools under Course Materials for some suggestions.)

- Jishnu, Lila, & Tara

Meena Hwang's picture
Meena Hwang
Mon, 2010-09-13 09:04

Hi, guys, so nice to meet you. I am not teaching right now, so I don't know if I can belong to the 'educator' group, but I am really excited about taking this course. I am currently with the OpenCourseWare Consortium, and I get questions about intellectual property clearance from many people from different countries. I figured that I should learn more, so I am taking this course. However, I must say that I am a bit weary about adding something else to my schedule. I was encouraged to sign up when I saw that the course was at 'undergraduate' level. :-) I am in Seoul, Korea right now, and the best time for me is in the morning and in the evening Eastern time. I am familiar with Skype, dimdim, and Adobe Connect Pro for web conferencing, but am open to any suggestions you might have. Should we schedule a chat sometime this week? :-)

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Wed, 2010-09-15 05:32

My name is Brylie Oxley. I am interested in this course because I am an active student and work for an educational organization.

I prefer to use the P2PU forum and chat for discussions and real-time meetings. I do not have flash installed although I do have Gnash installed.

I am available for meetings weekdays between 5PM and 12AM PST (GMT -7.)

Meena Hwang's picture
Meena Hwang
Thu, 2010-09-16 06:04

Hi, Brylie, according to the Group Assignment page, it seems that you are in Group C!:-)

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Thu, 2010-09-16 00:45

My name is Josh Peterson. I am both a student and a teacher. I teach reactor physics to reactor operators and I go to school at UT-Austin. I am taking this course to learn more about open source laws. I want to start creating open source books for my students to use when I teach them the fundamentals. Nuclear engineering is a tough subject and is even tougher when they have no book or examples to see.

I am available to meet after 6 PM MST and maybe earlier in the morning before 7 am.

I like using P2PU and skype for real-time meetings. I am okay with other options too. I am excited to be working with you all.

Who wants to be responsible for submitting the biweekly case scenarios. I was thinking if we use google docs to write up the case scenerios it would be easier to write documents. Google doc allows real time editing so we could all be on the same document and contribute different things. Well take care


Meena Hwang's picture
Meena Hwang
Thu, 2010-09-16 06:01

Hi, Josh, nice to meet you. Evenings MST is good with me too. Using Google Docs is a great idea. I have not read the case study yet. Could we arrange for a call early next week after we browse through the materials? Finding time to talk this week would be a bit difficult for me.

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Fri, 2010-09-17 01:03

Sounds good. I think the case study will be interesting. It asked what a teacher needs to get permission on for a class project.

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Tue, 2010-09-21 05:44

If you can send me your email I can add you to google docs so we can start writing on the case study I tried sending a personal message but it said we had an error me email is Thanks

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Tue, 2010-09-28 23:19

Sorry I haven't been in communications with anyone. I have been traveling and then got pneumonia. Here is the google doc and my own thoughts on Case 1. Feel free to edit. Thanks

Meena Hwang's picture
Meena Hwang
Wed, 2010-09-29 08:49

Hi, Josh,
Sorry I had been out of touch as well. I made two edits to the document you uploaded ( and Wanda's quiz materials). Sorry I made the edits without a chance to talk to you about them before the deadline. Hope you have recovered from pneumonia and feeling better now!

Meena Hwang's picture
Meena Hwang
Wed, 2010-10-13 06:08

Wow, It's like I've been through some kind of time warp and came out, and it was Oct. 12th! Here's the assignment.

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Wed, 2010-10-13 06:31

It really has been a time warp. I lost one week of my life somehow. Thanks for putting it together. I will look at it right now

Josh Peterson's picture
Josh Peterson
Wed, 2010-10-13 06:35

I just looked at your comments. They are perfect. You really did an amazing job.