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Groups and first case study

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By now everyone should have received an email with their group allocation in it.

Sorry it took so long - the result of a combination of a work emergency and it taking longer than I thought. Because of the delay, I'm giving everyone an extension until Wednesday next week (north and south American time - I'll judge all deadlines based on their dates as theyre the last).

I thought I would start a forum for this week, as there are bound to be a lot of communal questions about how to post answers etc. If you would like to ask me particular questions about the subject matter of the case study, you can contact me directly.

Also, if anyone would like to change groups, or has difficulty contacting any of their group members, let me know. Experience shows there is a high rate of drop out in the first few weeks, so there's a good chance there will be some shuffling of groups anyway.

And now - enjoy! Remember that one of the points of p2pu is to learn in a fun, interactive environment, so try not to take it too seriously, and just focus on finding out more about yourself, your group members and CC.
