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 I'm Juanan Pereira, from the Basque Country (Spain). I'm a lecturer in Operating Systems at the University of the Basque Country. I'm looking forward to starting with this course. I've checked the syllabus and dates, but can't find any specific task for this week apart from well... a note asking to present ourselves :-) So, here we are!  What about the others? 



Mary Lydon's picture
Mary Lydon
Thu, 2011-01-27 00:57

Hi Juanan,
I have also joined the course. It is good to meet you and know another person who is doing the course. I am an Australian, a copyright officer for the Department of Education Queensland, based in Brisbane. There is a case study for us to start work on but so far I have not been allocated to a group. We work in groups to answer the questions. Go to 'Course Material', one of the tabs in the banner under the title of the course.
Mary Lydon

Scott Ferg's picture
Scott Ferg
Thu, 2011-01-27 01:33

Hi Everyone,

I am Scott Ferg, an Education Technologist in Canada. Many of my peers around North America rave about Creative Commons, so I'm here to learn more about it and who it applies to education.

The information under the Course Material says we'll be split up into groups, but I don't think that has happened yet. I also think we have a week to figure out our groups, get to know each other and then start Case One next week. Most of that is an assumption :)

Andrea Tejedor's picture
Andrea Tejedor
Thu, 2011-01-27 01:49

Hi Juanan and Mary,
Nice to meet both of you. I am currently the Director of Technology for a small school district in New York State, about 1 hour north of Manhattan. In addition, I work with several regional agencies to support instructional technology initiatives. Lately I have been receiving a lot of requests to talk about how to use the creative commons to support the design of online courses, and how teachers can use it in their classrooms.

Looking forward to learning with you,

Andrea Tejedor

Mary Lydon's picture
Mary Lydon
Thu, 2011-01-27 01:49

Hi Scott,
It is good to ehar from you. We are becoming quite a United Nations group, aren't we?
I have started reading up for the first case study while I'm waiting for group allocation. What does an Education Technologist do? Ihaven't heard that job description here.

Jeffrey Ryan's picture
Jeffrey Ryan
Thu, 2011-01-27 02:08

Hi everyone. Lots of names to put here, so I'm simply using everyone at this point. :) It's interesting to hear about the diversity of nations we come from, and the types of work each of you do.

I'm from Scottsdale, Arizona in the U.S. I'm not actually in the field of education currently, by trade, but maybe someday. Who knows? It peaks my interest. I'm CEO of a small web development company, and I use open source software, etc., to deploy solutions for a variety of businesses, institutions and people.

One can never stop learning. CEOs/entrepreneurs are often encouraged to step outside of their field of expertise to find fresh ways of doing things, and that's what this is about for me. I do teach others in non-institutional settings quite often, and look forward to seeing if anything we learn or share here can be incorporated into the work my company does, and see what I can contribute as well. Perhaps what I learn here can be applied someday to an educational institution that may become a client. Possibilities.

This looks to be an interesting course, and this is my first foray into the P2PU idea as well. I just stumbled on it a couple of days ago. Very cool.:) Nice to meet all of you.


Jeffrey Ryan's picture
Jeffrey Ryan
Fri, 2011-01-28 08:45

I'm adding something that has occurred to me just today. As I've been thinking about this new form of learning, the P2PU concept, I think I do have a more current educational motivation behind taking this course. I'd like to eventually give back here, in a teaching role, which of course, would include the use of CC materials.

Marco Ananias's picture
Marco Ananias
Thu, 2011-01-27 02:44

Hi everyone,

I teach Physical Education. For some time I have been researching educational technologies and try to use them in my school, helping other teachers and encouraging students to interact with these new tools. I'm Brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro.

My intention is to learn more about creative commons and how to apply this knowledge in the educational process.
This is my first course in P2PU.

It's really cool to interact with you and hope to collaborate in the construction of collective knowledge.

Greetings and good course for us!

Carlos Valderas's picture
Carlos Valderas
Thu, 2011-01-27 02:56

Hi everyone, my name is Carlos Valderas.

I'm a chilean language teacher in Santiago, and i'm interested a lot about Creative Commons and his benefits.
Until now, i've made some work with CC for University, and i want to make a good use of it with my students now.

Well, nice to meet you.

Carlos Valderas

Jessica Coates's picture
Jessica Coates
Thu, 2011-01-27 04:12

Hi all

I'm the coordinator for the course.

Excellent to see so much activity, and apologies for the lack of a welcome from me - a technical issue has stopped me from starting a thread on the site. So I spent all day yesterday trying to get things started, but was unable to!

But you seem to have solved the problem by starting the discussion yourself (thanks Juanan). So thanks for your diligence.

Welcome everyone to the first round of the Creative Commons for Educators course on p2pu. I don't know how many of you have undertaken a p2pu course before, but the most important part of the course is conversation with your peers. And that's what this week is all about.

So I'd like to start by requesting that everyone introduce themselves - though you seem to be doing a fairly good job of that on your own. Just let us all know who you are, where you are, and why you're interested in the course.

You can find my bio here: - but basically I'm the former project manager of Creative Commons Australia, and a former teacher/academic at Queensland University of Technology (small world, hey, Mary?). I'm currently working in the broadcasting sector in Sydney, but I still have a great love of CC, and so have agreed to run this course to stay involved.

Based on the introduction information you provide, I'll allocate your assignment groups in the next few days, trying to group like-interested people. These are the groups that you will collaborate with to answer the three case study assignments that make up the assessment for the course.

In the meantime, I suggest you take some time to get to know each other and the p2pu site, and in particular the course materials here:

Now is a good time to look at the recommended reading for the course - you can find it here:

It's also a good idea to get started on the reading for the first Case Study in particular - see here: It's due on 7 February (ie in under a fortnight) so you'll only have a week or so to get the answer together once you have your groups. But don't start answering the questions until you have your group, just start reading and thinking.

In a short while I'll also post a little introductory task for everyone to do as an individual - it's very simple, but will give everyone a chance to get thinking about the issues, and become familiar with CC and the p2pu system.

That's all I can think of for the time being. If anyone has any questions, let me know. Otherwise, let the conversation continue!


Gemma Towle's picture
Gemma Towle
Thu, 2011-01-27 11:32

Hi all,

My name is Gemma Towle and continuing our global theme I'm based in the UK. I have a background in teaching and research but am currently the copyright officer on a project to do with open educational resources so I am having to hit the ground running when it comes to all of this, lol. So I'm definitely interested in learning more about CC.

This is also my first P2PU so be gentle with me :-)


Jonathan Sallée's picture
Jonathan Sallée
Thu, 2011-01-27 13:56

Hello everyone,

I have just started teaching fifth grade at a public school south of Chicago. I do not have specialized training in technology but have quickly gained respect for my understanding of it and am looking forward to taking several groups of students throughout the state to show it off in the next couple of months. The school also received a grant for this school year, which has provided my classroom with an interactive whiteboard and each of my students with a dedicated netbook. We end up with a lot of screen time everyday.

While earning my teaching degree, I discovered the open source technology community and soon thereafter the Creative Commons movements. I am thoroughly impressed with the community and professionalism, and look forward to contributing more in the future. In addition to my fifth graders, I will be presenting about the advantages of open source technology, Creative Commons licensing and free culture to a group of young artist/entrepreneurs, and hope to start teaching other teachers about the same before long.

This is my first experience with P2PU, but only because I have kept missing the registration dates. I am extremely excited to learn on this platform and with all of you.


Scott Ferg's picture
Scott Ferg
Thu, 2011-01-27 17:41

Hi Mary,

As an ET, I work with teachers to integrate the technology in the classroom. I'm at a K-12 school, with 6-12 being a 1:1 Macbook program. I do a lot of research and networking to find tools and resources for staff, meeting with teachers to plan lessons and integrate ICT, provide PD for teachers and help out/teach ICT specific lessons in the classroom. Unofficially, I also do tech support for minor problems.

Vivek Sharma's picture
Vivek Sharma
Thu, 2011-01-27 18:03

Hello everyone,

I am Vivek , a prof. from India, Teaching Entrepreneurship and Economics in a top Indian college, at a place called Chandigarh. I have taught for over 20 years and want to learn so that i can still remain relevant to the young students i address. I am not teaching technology, but am interested in learning about ICT. I have used ICT tools for teaching and feel they can contribute in my mission of "DEMOCRATIZING EDUCATION" i.e. where learning is not bound by constraints of incomes, distances, nationality ....


Joe Jasek's picture
Joe Jasek
Thu, 2011-01-27 19:32

Hello all,

I graduated from Duquesne University in December 2009. My background is in secondary education, English, and theater. I am currently a substitute teacher and part-time librarian in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. (Any of you hiring?) :)

About a year and a half ago I disovered P2PU and whole-heartedly supported the idea. Last semester I was able to take the Copyright for Educators (US) course. I am taking these classes because I think that within a group of educators, at least one person should have a background in copyright law. I love all of the information we teachers can access for free, but want to know the boundries just in case.


Joseph Hardin's picture
Joseph Hardin
Thu, 2011-01-27 23:33

Hello, All,
I'm a recently retired software development manager and university professor. Canada is the current home base. I have been doing research over the last couple years with colleagues at a few universities in North America, Europe, Africa and Australia on faculty and student beliefs, attitudes and intentions surrounding open courseware and open educational resources in general. The more I can learn about examples of CC licensing, the better, since it is central to a lot of OER generation and use. I'll be in Cuenca, Ecuador the month of February. We'll see how the network there is. Nice to meet all of you,


V. L.'s picture
V. L.
Fri, 2011-01-28 07:26

Hi everyone, I'm an editor for a digital educational publisher in Australia. I'm really interested in copyright as it applies to education, and particularly interested in making sure that our activities for students and our advice for teachers promote safe practices that don't put students and teachers at risk of breaching copyright.

mike pouraryan's picture
mike pouraryan
Fri, 2011-01-28 09:48

HI there,

This is quite a challenge and I believe that our work over the ensuing weeks here will hopefully shed some light on it..I know I need it!!!

Helen Belfrage's picture
Helen Belfrage
Fri, 2011-01-28 07:53

Hi everyone
I am Head of library at a 840 girls Catholic College in Brisbane. I have recently completed the Copyright P2P course for Aus educators - with great thanks to fellow group members Joseph and Mary for all their hard work. Need to know more about the Creative Commons movement to pass on to staff.

Chiara Canepa's picture
Chiara Canepa
Fri, 2011-01-28 12:35

Hi everyone,
I am the Secondary School librarian in an international school in Rome, Italy. I also teach Grade 6 computers. I am very interested in learning about Creative Commons and how to promote it as an alternative to our students. I find they really do not question copyright of anything they find on the internet. Am a complete newbie so please bear with me.

Adriano Theodoro's picture
Adriano Theodoro
Sat, 2011-01-29 15:53

I´m teacher of science and health in a vocational technical school. I'm from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
I hope to learn a lot during the course and can use it in my classroom.
Adriano Theodoro

David Garrison's picture
David Garrison
Mon, 2011-01-31 15:20

I work for the Department of the Army in the Technology Integration Branch at Fort Lee, Virginia. We develop in-house distributed learning computer and web-based courseware and training products; and virtual and gaming training simulations. Within the gaming realm, we utilize a lot of COTS (Commercial Off the Shelf) gaming systems. I look forward to learning a lot from everyone.

-David Garrison

David Garrison's picture
David Garrison
Mon, 2011-01-31 15:22

So sorry for the late response, just got my computer back up and running.

Kirsty Elliott Elliott's picture
Kirsty Elliott El...
Tue, 2011-02-01 00:49

Hi all. Sorry for such a late post on this. I edit a wide range of digital education resources in Melbourne, Australia, with one of the other people doing this course. Like many people in my workplace, I am keen to find out how teachers and students can be made more aware of CC-licensed materials in a way that is genuinely attractive and useful to them (ie, won't glaze their eyes over). It'd be good to bolster awareness of how they might also share materials that they create. I have a huge amount to learn myself, so am looking forward to this course. I don't work on Fridays, so will not be posting then.

Tue, 2011-02-01 21:55

Hi,my name is GORETTI.
I live in RIO DE JANEIRO,BRAZIL.I'm a teacher.I give portuguese classes in a public school.
I look forward to learning a lot from everyone.

Leonardo Jimenez's picture
Leonardo Jimenez
Fri, 2011-02-04 08:01

Hi, my name is Leonardo, from Bogotá. I joined the course two days ago. I work as a teacher at a university and I and some of my students like to create some teaching materials, so I will enjoy learning how to use creative commons materials. Thank you.