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WEEK 1: Craft your own enterprise mission or vision statement.

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Post your work under the appropriate prompt for this week in the forum. Then review and respond to at least one other participant's post.

Aaron Duran's picture
Aaron Duran
Fri, 2011-01-21 20:18

My mission statement: [HNDP Music Workshops]
"To close the gap for artists between creativity and technology through education".

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Sergio Banguero's picture
Sergio Banguero
Sun, 2011-01-23 03:42

My enterprise: Artifacts Tshirts (

To provide a way for exposure and interaction for Colombian designers and graphical artists while satisfying our customers with a unique and personalized product.

Vision 2012:
Artifacts tshirts will be the brand that identifies the community of Colombian designers and graphical artists on Internet.

Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Fri, 2011-01-28 19:34

I like the idea of giving exposure to Colombian designers.

Was not mentioning t-shirts or even clothing in the mission statement a deliberate decision? I often struggle between being too specific and not being concrete enough. It's a balancing act.

Sergio Banguero's picture
Sergio Banguero
Sat, 2011-01-29 01:29

Hi Karen,

Yep we decided not to mention T-shirts or clothing. The reason is that we are aware that the project might evolve to other final products (vinyl stickers, canvas, whatever you can print on).
Do you think its missing something?

The main idea is for it to be crowdsourced and exclusive and to provide an effective way to be known -for the designer/artist-.

Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Tue, 2011-02-01 03:13

That makes sense to me. Sometimes it's hard to be concrete without limiting yourself. (I have had this challenge even with the name of one business I run.) Perhaps a way to do this is by including a category (like printed designs?) or one specific as an example ("such as ___").

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Tue, 2011-02-01 22:18

Are you thinking about Threadless and their crowd-sourcing model?

Sergio Banguero's picture
Sergio Banguero
Thu, 2011-02-03 05:12

Yes Threadless is awesome and definetly an inspiration but their model on my market has many constraints (namely internet access for the population, avg income for niche) so after tweaking it little by little it became something different (with some things on common). I am sure what we have so far will change over time but thats the fun part.

Javier Dominguez's picture
Javier Dominguez
Sun, 2011-01-23 05:04

My mission statement is targeted to my Information Technology consulting practice where I aim to provide cloud services consulting for small and mid-size customers as well as Internet Marketing services.
This is my first crack at it and I am not quite done yet... but here it goes:

To openly share knowledge, expertise and best practices helping clients build, promote and profit from their brand through information Technology strategies online and off-line as well as Internet Marketing tools.

Ashley Ross's picture
Ashley Ross
Sat, 2011-01-29 23:42

I like your mission statement. It seems to have all the essential parts while still being fairly short and simple. It is intriguing and seems to define your company well! One suggestion would be to change the last part to "through online and off-line information technology strategies and Internet marketing tools." I don't know if it's applicable but maybe you don't really need to have the words "online and offline." And if you plan on helping them market offline you could get rid of the "Internet" as well.

"To openly share knowledge, expertise and best practices helping clients build, promote and profit from their brand through information technology strategies and marketing tools." Maybe, I don't know.... :-)

Ashley Ross's picture
Ashley Ross
Sat, 2011-01-29 23:45

Or maybe:

To openly share knowledge, expertise and best practices helping clients build, promote and profit from their brand through information technology strategies and marketing tools both online and offline.

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Javier Dominguez's picture
Javier Dominguez
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:36


Thanks a lot for your feedback. Off-line refers to the fact that not all the technology needs are online. But you make a very interesting point worth consideration since ultimately all of the services a business may need will run from the cloud. Appreciate the comment and will use it to fine tune my mission statement.

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Tue, 2011-02-01 23:13

There's much to like there Javier, but the language is a touch vague. The risk with technology companies is that the way they communicate to us (we!) sounds remote. Perhaps you could say: "To help you profit from your brand..." as opposed to "their...". It's more personal, because in the end customers are spending their money with *you*. Think about who the mission statement is aimed at. Is it inwardly-facing? If so, it makes perfect sense. If it aimed at your customers, I would simplify the language a bit while retaining the core of the message.

You are in a special position because you are holding the information of your customers - like Google. You have to be somebody I can trust. Perhaps your mission statement can reflect that? My two cents! ;-)

Scott Mollenkopf's picture
Scott Mollenkopf
Thu, 2011-02-03 06:28

Javier, I really like how "customer oriented" your mission statement is. I sell Cloud based services as well and often the value that I offer is educating customers and sharing my expertise, the sales come after value is offered.

Clarence Cromwell's picture
Clarence Cromwell
Sun, 2011-01-23 05:29

My mission is:
To write (nonfiction) stories that are difficult to forget because of the interesting characters and situations; to have them read by as many people as possible; to consequently make the world a better place to live, in some small, measurable way.

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Andrea LaGrow's picture
Andrea LaGrow
Wed, 2011-01-26 04:09

I like this because it is broad and big enough to aspire to, yet you can still "measure" your results of your goal. This appears to be a mission statement that will last for some time - you shouldn't have to tweak it much, if at all.

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Clarence Cromwell's picture
Clarence Cromwell
Fri, 2011-01-28 21:24

The process of writing my mission statement (just above this) has helped me to think about who my articles are written for, as well. Advertisers want a publication to cultivate wealthy, sophisticated spendthrifts. Newspapers and alternative papers tend to assume that readers fret about property values, taxes, zoning laws and social justice most of the time, when in fact most people don't care. I decided that I'm not really addressing the "Sex and the City" types that the advertisers dream of; nor am I necessarily addressing the NIMBYs and Hippies that newspaper editors imagine.

I'm only writing for smart people who like to read. They're curious about how the world works, but that doesn't mean that they will buy a car or go and yell at the city council just because you told them to. They are capable of critical thinking, tolerant of ambiguity and they can read between the lines.

But they're not necessarily materialistic or politically active.

(All this pondering about who and why is intended to help me figure out how to set up a better publication than I have done previously. Probably a blog, and hopefully one that will last.)

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 19:56

Clarence - I love the clarity and candor of your writing. Send links to anything you've written - I look forward to following you.

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 02:03

Clarence, I really connect with your mission statement. It is brief, clear, concise, and I feel you added some emotion into it by adding "to consequently make the world a better place to live, in some small, measurable way."

Nicely done.

Patrick Hereford's picture
Patrick Hereford
Sun, 2011-01-23 16:37

HuddleHub's mission statement:

To increase the enjoyment of fantasy sports, to ease the worry and hassle of managing your fantasy sport teams, and to create innovative games for all fantasy sport customers.

Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Fri, 2011-01-28 19:35

Very concrete and specific

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:01

Hi Patrick,
I do not know what fantasy sports is, can you help me to understand?



Sam Harrington's picture
Sam Harrington
Sun, 2011-01-23 18:16

To spread the word about the eco-benefits of EcoCradle™ packaging, and generate sales leads.

Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Fri, 2011-01-28 19:36

This sounds more like a personal mission than an organizational one.

Angelica Roman's picture
Angelica Roman
Mon, 2011-01-31 18:29

I agree. I think you have a great product, and the mission statement should highlight the benefits of the product, why it is important and why people should use it.

Stoney Noell's picture
Stoney Noell
Tue, 2011-01-25 00:09

Epic Life Creative; my primary business is a Christian based organization serving through graphic design.

Mission Statement:
Enabling Individual's creativity in building Christ's Kingdom by visually displaying His love and Power

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:04

Hi Stoney,

Can you elaborate with how you will visually display His love and power? who are your clients, is there a certain style your graphic designs follow?

Curious to know more!


Stoney Noell's picture
Stoney Noell
Tue, 2011-02-01 00:34

Absolutely! As a Christian I believe we are called to display who Jesus Christ is in our everyday lives. I also believe we are to live lives that are the same at church as they are during the week and in our businesses. So in business I primarily do graphic design, and desire at the root of everything I do to be a witness for who Jesus is and how He has radically transformed my life.

As far as style I enjoy organics and strange textures. Creating beautiful things in uncommon ways.

I work with a large array of clients from fitness trainers, churches, t-shirt companies, to wide range of music artist in Nashville.

Did this help clarify?

It's been an incredible and unbelievable ride for me. Thank you for asking about it more.

Stoney Noell

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Tue, 2011-02-01 05:25

Yes Stoney! It did help to clarify. Your work is beautiful and your passion shows. (:


Stoney Noell's picture
Stoney Noell
Wed, 2011-02-02 05:22

Hey Jane! Thank you so much!

Andrea LaGrow's picture
Andrea LaGrow
Wed, 2011-01-26 04:06

My site:

My title: High School Senior Boutique Photography Studio Digital Media Memories

My tagline / slogan: Make Today Memorable!

My description: We provide custom, signature artwork for once in a lifetime memories for high school seniors and other high school students in Effingham County and the Savannah, Georgia metro area.

My mission statement: Our art in the homes of every high school senior's parent in the Savannah Georgia metro area

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Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Fri, 2011-01-28 19:38

I like the breakout of tagline, description, and mission. They each have a different purpose but also tie together. Good way to conceptualize it and to deal with both internal and external constituencies.

Karen Plumbe's picture
Karen Plumbe
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:37

I like the break down as well.
The mission statement could also be a vision statement.
Just a suggestion on alternative wording. To create memorable art that every high school senior's parents will cherish for years to come.

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Tue, 2011-02-01 23:19

Great slogan. Any punchier and it would be "Pow!" Very nice breakdown of your enterprise. I have total clarity about what you do and where you are.

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Wed, 2011-01-26 08:51

This is such a challenging assignment. Forces you to really think through who you are and who your audience is...I'm not satisfied but it is headed in the right direction.

Vision: Finding stillness within. Heart, mind, body, soul, world.

MIssion: We bring together people seeking retreats with retreat centers and retreat leaders, through our beautiful, intelligent, user friendly, and comprehensive worldwide web-based directory.

Angelica Roman's picture
Angelica Roman
Mon, 2011-01-31 18:42

I really like your vision statement. It is clear and concise, and easy to remember. I do suggest changing the beginning of your mission statement, it becomes a little difficult to read because of the repetitive use of "retreat". Perhaps using a different word or two for what people are seeking, such as serenity or inner peace. The website itself is really easy to navigate, and has a peaceful & simplistic look!

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 19:52

Angelica - thanks for your feedback! Yes, I was thinking the MS was a little confusing - will work on it...p

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:33

MIssion: We connect people seeking stillness & healing with retreat centers and retreat leaders, through our beautiful, intelligent, user friendly, and comprehensive worldwide web-based directory.

Karen Plumbe's picture
Karen Plumbe
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:31

I really like your vision statement and revised mission statement. It really speaks to what people are seeking when they visit your site and the service that you are providing.

Jennifer O'Rourke's picture
Jennifer O'Rourke
Wed, 2011-02-02 06:58

Hey Pam! I think since your business is a website, that you should take out "through our beautiful, intelligent, user friendly, and comprehensive worldwide web-based directory." And replace it with something that is simple to read and simple for people to remember. Perhaps : "through our directory". Then you can hyperlink the word directory and bring people to it : )

Jennifer O'Rourke's picture
Jennifer O'Rourke
Fri, 2011-01-28 02:56

Help woman with cluttered closets sell or rent their clothes/shoes/accessories.

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:41

I really like how clear and to the point yours is - no nonsense...

Lori Shaw's picture
Lori Shaw
Tue, 2011-02-01 02:08

I agree - very to the point and encompasses exactly what you do! Good job

Jennifer O'Rourke's picture
Jennifer O'Rourke
Fri, 2011-01-28 02:58

This is what I believe my current company's mission statement is, but I think it's a bit much and could be tweeked. Any input?

Software as a Service (SaaS) company specializing in disruptive productivity solutions. We develop no-nonsense software at a sensible price. We focus on well-defined pain points and solve them better than anyone else.

Karen Plumbe's picture
Karen Plumbe
Fri, 2011-01-28 21:52

Hi Jennifer,
You will have to excuse me because I am not totally up on all the computer terminology but the phrase 'specializing in disruptive productivity solutions!!' is that a creative pun intended??

Certainly I think there is some great words to come out using SaaS as the inspiration (sassy, speedy, up with the latest, setting the trends....) helping the vision statement to be inspiring, uplifting and edgy.

Just my two cents worth, have fun

Clarence Cromwell's picture
Clarence Cromwell
Tue, 2011-02-01 08:12

Would it help to be more specific about what kind of productivity and about what kinds of pain points? I wonder whether you are solving a specific kind of problem, for people who work in a specific industries. Productivity could be anything from tons of coal shoveled to lines of computer code written.

Jennifer O'Rourke's picture
Jennifer O'Rourke
Wed, 2011-02-02 06:54

I totally agree with both of you. I think that it is such a vague mission statement and the word 'disruptive' just bothers me. A ton of software companies use this word and I just don't understand why. I think personally staying away form catchy, buzz words is the best bet. You can target a much broader audience.
Thanks for the input : )

Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Fri, 2011-01-28 19:31

So I dug up the mission statements for a couple of the companies/projects I'm involved in. Interesting to reflect on how the organizations have evolved over time and how their missions might be tweaked accordingly or not. Here's the one for the Kids Open Dictionary:

"To create a free and open dictionary that is appropriate for kids, both in terms of content and reading level"

While I think that adequately encompassed our initial mission, we've now shifted into the mode of getting what we've built used by folks.

An updated version might be something like:

"To create a free and open dictionary that is appropriate for kids, both in terms of content and reading level and to foster its use by a wide variety of educators, learners, schools, projects, publishers, and developers"

This shift reflects the connection of mission and vision. While our original vision (future) was to get the dictionary used, that really wasn't a part of the goal before we had anything built (though we certainly thought about what would be must usable).

Also, this mission statement doesn't have much "passion" in it...I'm tempted to add something like "To increase the access to free and open educational resources for everyone" ... but that's probably a little broad and more the mission of the parent organization (which only vaguely exists) so perhaps I'll tuck that one away for now.

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:39

Karen - I like your update. I think "foster" has a stilted quality, about "inspire" or..."inspire its daily use"...

Karen Plumbe's picture
Karen Plumbe
Fri, 2011-01-28 21:42

I have been working on my business mission and vision. Would really love to hear your feedback and ideas.

Mission Statement
To support coaches and inspire individuals to ENERGIZE their lives, and create sustainable positive health. Through being a part of a holistic healthy lifestyle program and engaging with the supportive community.
Vision Statement

To be the premier global program to create healthy lifestyle changes
We will do this through
a) supporting coaches to deliver the ENERGIZE program to their clients and to new clients such as gyms, businesses, group coaching programs
b) Creating a supportive community for individuals who are considering, currently undertaking or planning to be a part of the ENERGIZE program
c) Creating a supportive community for coaches who have purchased ENERGIZE to market, and deliver the ENERGIZE program to their clients.
d) Providing evidence based information, tools and strategies to suit clients, to make sustainable change to their health and wellbeing behaviours

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:15

Hi Karen,

I like the sound of what you do. Your mission statement with my 2 cents worth:

To support coaches and inspire individuals to ENERGIZE their lives, and create sustainable positive health by being a part of our holistic, healthy, lifestyle program and interacting with the program's supportive community.


Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:45

: ) - I rather like the term "engaging" better than "interacting" - "engaging" sounds more dynamic to me.

Karen Plumbe's picture
Karen Plumbe
Mon, 2011-01-31 22:18

Thanks Jane, I really like the rewording of the mission statement. It is great when you have other people to bounce ideas off and gain their input.

Cheers Karen

Johannes  Klupfel's picture
Johannes Klupfel
Sat, 2011-01-29 10:51

Ywam Medical Ships

Within YWAM we believe in the value of the individual and their right to quality of life—our motivation is to ensure that every person has the opportunity to live a fulfilling life.

We want to actively help provide every individual with
access to good health care,
food, drinking water and shelter,
opportunity for education,
expression of culture, arts and entertainment,
healthy relationships,
exposure to Christian faith and values,
fair and productive government, and opportunity to work and develop.

Ashley Ross's picture
Ashley Ross
Sat, 2011-01-29 23:22

I have decided to focus on myself as my enterprise and expand to other businesses from there. So as a life coach my vision is "To help people find beauty and peace inside and out"

Mission statement: "Helping people help themselves"

As the movie stated short, simple and to the point is best. I know this tagline is already used in a lot of other places but it seems to fit the best. Ultimately I want to help people but they won't change unless they want to so in the end they are helping themselves. And I didn't want to go into any detail because, as each person is different, a different technique or circumstance will need to be employed for each individual; it would be impossible to state all the different avenues for help.

I think the vision of finding peace within as well as without covers just about everything: peace in your brain, peace in you spirituality, peace in your bodily systems (aka health and wellness), peace with you emotions, with your family, coworkers, etc.

Any insight is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Doug Baland's picture
Doug Baland
Mon, 2011-01-31 00:42

Hi Ashley, great start and I am taking something away from your statements that I will use in our revised mission statement.

A couple of suggestions. How are you going to help people seeking your help? My feeling is that your statement is a bit to broad and a little cliche. What are you passionate about with respect to helping other find peace/balance? What tools could you list that might provide some insight the consumer can grab onto: Your education, experience, expertise, problem resolution techniques, psychology background, etc.

Next, my thought is to take your tools and explain in a powerful & understanding way how you apply these tools to an individual situation resulting in your (and your clients) ultimate goal of helping people find peace/beauty inside and out.

I thought a possible way to apply what you have and my thoughts/feedback would be to attempt to write a mission statement.It is just something for you to play with and hopefully provides some insight/clarity to my previous statements.

Help individuals find peace and beauty inside and out by utilizing my education, expertise and experience in achieving a positive life balance. Each person is different and together we will apply differing techniques that allow anyone to achieve a more peaceful and healthy life.

Let me know if I can help in any additional way. I do not mind if you want to email me directly for feedback etc. I am here to help and be helped, like your vision states.

Take Care,


Ashley Ross's picture
Ashley Ross
Thu, 2011-02-24 12:14

Thank you very much Doug, this is very helpful. I've been thinking a lot and here is my revised statement:

Company Name: Yield for Peace

Mission Statement: We utilize non-resistance training to help people develop peace, joy and fulfillment. We want everyone to live balanced, flexible and strong inside as well as out. Through an individually customized program we will help you build the bridge from where they are, to where they want to go, in any area of your life.

Vision Statement: We provide an open, encouraging and healthy environment to people looking for growth and change in any area of life. Our knowledgeable staff will put together a custom plan using a variation of time-tested, ground-breaking and out-of-the-box therapies and techniques for each individual. We take pride in helping people achieve their dreams in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

I expanded beyond myself because I hope to develop into a center with multiple coaches. I don’t know if this is still a little too vague or too wordy; if anyone has any more suggestions I’d love to hear them.

Thank you!

Doug Baland's picture
Doug Baland
Mon, 2011-01-31 00:11

While You’re Away
We are a service provider with three main service channels, Pet Sitting, Elder Care & Personal Assistant. Recently launched we are finding it almost impossible to find caregivers that offer genuine empathy/feelings. The majority of responses we see from our target audience are people frustrated with the lack of personal attention or genuine feelings/understanding. They state they feel like a number or a patient. That is where we come in.

Mission Statement:

Provide genuine, trustworthy care giving by always working with our hearts and by treating clients as family. We achieve this by consistently integrating authentic empathy, love, knowledge sharing and respect with an unparalleled level of dedication and commitment to our clients and their loved ones.

Tag Line/Slogan/Motto:

Genuine Care You Can Trust

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:22

Hi Doug,

Sounds like you've got a great niche market. Although, if I were to simply read your mission without the prior paragraph explaining it, I wouldnt know that my 'loved ones' also includes my pet. (:

Also curious to know how the personal assistant end ties in.


Lori Shaw's picture
Lori Shaw
Tue, 2011-02-01 02:23

Hi Doug,

I really like what you have done with your mission statement and in the interest of giving it a go to re-write someone else's I chose yours trying to incorporate what Jane mentioned.

Let me know what you think - its a little shorter- but still closely aligns with what you have written:

To provide a genuine, empathetic and trustworthy care-giving environment which integrates love, knowledge and respect with an unparalleled level of dedication and commitment to our clients and their loved ones – whoever they may be.

Angelica Roman's picture
Angelica Roman
Mon, 2011-01-31 01:40

Ultimately, I think I would like to become a health & wellness coach, focusing on physical and nutritional health. I guess this would boil down to being both a personal trainer and nutritionist.

Mission Statement:
“To enhance the lives of others by providing a healthy lifestyle, through physical and nutritional health education.”

This is definitely a work in progress, as I haven't really thought about a mission statement before. I would like to add something about "creative ways" to be healthy, but I'm not really sure how to fit that in just yet.

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Chuck Johnston's picture
Chuck Johnston
Mon, 2011-01-31 02:29


I really like your mission statement. Just a couple of thoughts; would the word "improve" instead of "enhance" strengthen your statement?, also, are you "providing" or "educating". I'm not sure what your services are as far as education vs. hands on physical training. I know that I've seen a split with personal trainers before.

Overall though, it's great! I know exactly what you do in a nutshell. Besides a tweak here or there I think this statement will evolve into something very powerful.

Very cool!


Angelica Roman's picture
Angelica Roman
Mon, 2011-01-31 18:02

Thanks for your input. I did go back and forth between "enhance" and "improve". As far as services go, I'm not quite sure what I will be offering! I will still be a full-time student until August, and am also working full time, so this is my 'back-burner' idea for now. I do hope to expand on it and turn it into something real by the end of 2011!

Sergio Banguero's picture
Sergio Banguero
Mon, 2011-01-31 04:41

I like because it is concise and provides a general description of your métier.

They only thing I´ll add is something related to how will you differentiate yourself from other health & wellness coaches.

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:29

I like how short and clear it get to the heart of it right off. Some constructive feedback - you don't really "provide" a healthy "support", "enhance," "teach," about: "To support your goal of healthy living through personalized physical and nutritional education...." 'Course "your goal" is focused on the consumer as the object of the MS...

Karen Plumbe's picture
Karen Plumbe
Tue, 2011-02-01 04:47

Hi Angelica,
I like your mission statement. I am also a health and wellbeing coach, and I was just wondering how you would 'provide' a healthy lifestyle. Could it be that you are supporting / coaching others to create changes to lifestyle habits.
Inspire clients to creatively integrate more healthy lifestyle choices to their lives, focusing on physical activity and nutrition as the primary avenue to enhance their health and lives.

Just a suggestion, certainly co do with some more playing with.

Cheers Karen

Janel Roland's picture
Janel Roland
Mon, 2011-01-31 01:57

I've crafted a mission statement for my cloud-based music service that's currently in development.

Cloudbeats Mission Statement:

To provide a crowd-sourced, cloud-based social networking service to electronic dance music producers, DJs and music lovers.

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Chuck Johnston's picture
Chuck Johnston
Mon, 2011-01-31 02:25

Hi Guys, I've created a mission statement for my company to help provide a better idea of who we are and what we do. Our company name is CloudSway and we are in the small business accounting software market.

CloudSway's Mission Statement:

"To create software for small businesses that eliminates needless paperwork and simplifies tax time."

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!

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Janel Roland's picture
Janel Roland
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:45

I like your mission statement, because my business idea is also a cloud-based service. The phrase "needless paperwork" will help potential customers understand the power and purpose of the cloud. When doing my taxes, I dread the thought of going through piles of hard copy paperwork. My only suggestion is to modify your business name. I’m not sure how the word ‘sway’ relates to small business tax accounting. Although, I can see the persuasion aspect. Your idea is fantastic overall!

Javier Dominguez's picture
Javier Dominguez
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:23


I like that your mission statement is very direct and to the point and it provides an essential advantage. Although a lot of people know about the internet, many others may not know what the cloud is and once they learn wouldn't they be concerned with the safety and security of their information in a server out there?

Is security and privacy a concern for your customers and should this be included in your mission statement?

Pam Dupuy's picture
Pam Dupuy
Mon, 2011-01-31 20:51

Love it! Clear and concrete. If the software is customized or customizable you might add that.

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:45

Hi all,
I have included 2 mission statements, one for my website, the other for my latest program.
To build an online source to get mind, soul, and spirit help through inspiring articles, quotes, stories, and more, when you need it.

Combat Stress and Chaos Series:
To dramatically reduce daily stress and chaos through workshops, multi-dimensional books, and programs so you can learn to live the life you really want.

I look forward to your feedback!

Angelica Roman's picture
Angelica Roman
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:40

I like both of your mission statements, they are short and to the point. You know exactly what you are going to get and where you will get it from!

Jane Saylor's picture
Jane Saylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 05:59

Thanx Angelica! (:

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Tue, 2011-02-01 23:09

Simple, clear and really quite lovely.

Cristina  Garcia's picture
Cristina Garcia
Mon, 2011-01-31 21:41

We want to design a bank of images. We want to sell pictures of cuisine dishes. We can also offer the cooking recipe of the dish if the costumer is interested in it.

Our costumers should be publishing companies (magazines, newspaper...). We want to sell the images to companies out of Spain because we need to enter a new market, in Spain the market is saturated and we thing that we could offer our product outside at competitive prices. That means that first of all we will have to look for foreign companies.

Maybe, to start, would be good to begin with dishes based on Mediterranean cuisine and in the future prepare dishes from all around the world depending on the demand.

Our Mission Statement: “Look! It tastes good!”.

Vision Statement:

We want to have a bank of almost 200 images the first year and it have to increase year by year.

Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Karen Fasimpaur
Tue, 2011-02-01 03:19

Interesting. I post a lot of open-licensed photos on Flickr, and the food ones are very often picked up by third party groups, so I think there is a big demand for this.

Your mission seems more like a tag line to me -- but a great tag line! You might want to flesh it out a little for a mission statement.

The vision is measurable and clear (and you can always update it as you grow).

Cristina  Garcia's picture
Cristina Garcia
Tue, 2011-02-01 22:47

Hi Karen!!

Thanks for your recomendation! I was looking for a short and convincing sentence, and also easy to remmber. I was talking with the photographer and he wants to play with the taste and the eyesight. But, maybe this mission would be better as a slogan for the costumer? I'll think about it...

Lori Shaw's picture
Lori Shaw
Tue, 2011-02-01 14:22

My business concept: Hair and Beauty Wellness Centre. We are in essence a hair dressing salon combined with a beauty salon, however I aspire to be more than that - I want to be a place where people come together to educate and be educated on several community, family, health and wellbeing issues. I also want to support local companies by offering ways to promote like minded businesses within my own.

Mission Statement: To bring together and teach the community how to love and use every minute of their life through education on lifestyle, health and wellbeing by providing a clean and professional environment for hair and beauty treatments, improving everyday living.

Vision Statement: To bring together a community that loves, respects and supports one another through understanding the importance of health and wellbeing in the mind, body and spirit.


Any suggestions would be much appreciated I am very new to this.


L :)

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Indira Guadalupe Cornelio Vidal's picture
Indira Guadalupe ...
Tue, 2011-02-01 06:29

I'm going to focus in the mission and vision statements of the project we are into this year at REDDES.
This project is a network of multimedia producers (teachers, graphic designers, students..), they work with free software and Creative Commons to develop multimedia that fullfills the needs they have in their schools. So we have for example indigenous teachers working in a video for teaching Maya to the students at Merida. This project began 5 years ago, so now I got in charge of this website and I look at the mission and vision, I think they could be a bit better.

The Mission:

Increase and enhance the collaborative capabilities of development, production and distribution of educational and cultural content of educational, academic and non governmental organizations.

The Vision:
Becoming a network of modular workshops operating in many schools, universities and public institutions, that significantly support the development of productive skills and training of people for the autonomous increase their welfare, by generating a large repository of multimedia products in Spanish and indigenous languages on many educational and cultural issues.

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Thu, 2011-02-03 04:19

Hi Indira! Your project sounds amazing; I wish we had things like this when I was in school... I think your mission and vision statements have good content - but perhaps you could enhance their readability by making simpler sentences. The vision statement could be two sentences, for instance. It allows the reader to digest the elements of the project and thread the various elements together better. So: "...universities and public institutions. [full stop] This significantly supports the development..."

Indira Guadalupe Cornelio Vidal's picture
Indira Guadalupe ...
Thu, 2011-02-03 07:12

Hi Ikem, thanks for the advice, just read yours too! It sounds great, I also think your mission is good! it explains, in a concrete and special way, what you do, for whom and how. How are you doing with the vision?

Randy Orwin's picture
Randy Orwin
Tue, 2011-02-01 10:57

My enterprise: I provide consulting and training services for individuals or organizations in any field that provide some form of instruction or are interested in implementing open source software within their organization. This includes public schools, univeristies, health care professionals, small businesses etc.. I look at my consulting in open source as just a different kind of learning experience for folks in decision making roles. I know open source and professional development are kind of an odd pair but I am very passionate about both :-)

Up until now my mission was incredibly broad and unfocussed, actually pretty bad compared to the standards we have been looking at in the other forum discussion. My web site currently says "From the classroom to the server room, to the office, providing cost effective solutions for teachers, students, parents and small businesses!" After reading this and running it through the the criterion for good mission statements I believe it is more of a slogan than a mission statement.

My partner and I spent a fair amount of time this evening trying to narrow down what I actually want to do and we came up with this first cut at a mission statement:

"Provide high quality learning experiences for educators in the use of software and hardware that will fundamentally change practice resulting in improved student and organizational performance."

I look forward to listening to everyone's thoughts. Thanks for the help! This process will definitely help me to focus on what I really want to do with my business.

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Tue, 2011-02-01 23:08

Hi Randy! I love your sense of purpose - keep that. Simplifying the language can help make your mission statement more readable, and easier to understand. By "hardware and software", you mean "computer". We, as techies, know that but your customers may not know the difference. Just a thought!

Manickkavasakam's picture
Tue, 2011-02-01 20:22

I am writing it down finally. I have to still work on the vision and mission statements.

Vision :
To establish as a sustained organization by 2015.

Mission : (for web based services)
We provide solutions/services for businesses and individuals to exploit the ever growing web opportunities.

Org. Name : Thulir ( a Tamil word of meaning - sprout)

Tag Line : Sprouting the Ideas / Let the idea sprout

Expecting your feedbacks guys :)

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Tue, 2011-02-01 22:45

I am really learning a lot from everybody's mission statements, and reading them is a lot of fun! It's really helping me to think about what I am doing. To get to the heart of what we - and our enterprises - stand for is a challenge. Here goes!!


Everyday people are amazing. We make clothing - counter-culture couture - for those of us that change the world where we live a little at a time.

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Cristina  Garcia's picture
Cristina Garcia
Tue, 2011-02-01 23:15

Hi Ikem!!

I tink that your mission statement is good! When you read it, you understand what you do and how you will transmit the message. And you also say in it how is your target costumer! Your t-shirts will be great!

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Tristan Cummins's picture
Tristan Cummins
Wed, 2011-02-02 11:38

I like this Ikem. Do you have a link to your website or any clothing samples? Fashion is a big part of our lives if you can put a positive message on clothing I think it can be a powerful agent of change.

Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Wed, 2011-02-02 14:05

Hi Tristan! I will be making the website soon - it's why I'm doing 4 courses at P2PU!

Tristan Cummins's picture
Tristan Cummins
Wed, 2011-02-02 11:47

Oahu Ice Cream Co.

To deliver locally made frozen treats to the residents and visitors of Oahu wherever they may gather.

This is really basic and bland....I am still in the very beginning stages of what exactly I want this to be. As far as company name and theme they are not set but the basic idea of Ice Cream truck is there to build off. I want to include surfing and have treats named after surfing spots. An interesting play on words is that Oahu in Hawaiian means "the gathering place", incorporating that I think would work well. Well this is a start.


Ikem Nzeribe's picture
Ikem Nzeribe
Thu, 2011-02-03 04:07

Hey Tristan, you've already identified just how rich in content your enterprise is: it's tasty, scenic and essential to your customers. What's not to like? Make your mission statement as tasty as your business!

Tristan Cummins's picture
Tristan Cummins
Thu, 2011-02-03 08:05

Thanks for the positive encouragement Ikem. It definitely should be more descriptive I'll work that in.

Scott Mollenkopf's picture
Scott Mollenkopf
Thu, 2011-02-03 06:37

Here is my Mission Statement

To provide next generation technology solutions that enable my customer to realize significant cost savings and a competitive advantage in their business.