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Hi all. So I created a github account at Login as openjournalism/moonmadness - then feel free to start creating repositories (if you're a developer) or proposing projects via this thread (if that sounds like a good idea). Collaboration is a great way to start and seems to be the guiding principle of this course!
Hey there David,
Wondering what you think about setting up an "organization" ( ) so that we can all just use our own personal Github accounts and collaborate that way?
Should be free as a "open source" project. :-)
Hi Phillip - that sounds like a good idea. Let me go and look at that. In the meantime I've created a vanilla repo, hackshackers, which is a Rails 3 app. I've also deployed that to the Heroku Ruby platform at So anyone wants to collaborate on building something let me know.
Going to look at organizations now.
Ah - good idea Phillip. I've deleted the openjournalism account, let's create an organization instead. Could I use your email address as the destination email for the organization (can't use mine as it's already in use for my own github account).
The github organization has been created, so this can be used as a space for hacks and hackers to collaborate on projects. No need for journalists to know too much about github apart from the fact that it champions collaborative coding and information sharing and if any journos have ideas for projects the hackers among us could create examples and prototypes to demonstrate what can be achieved. is also a great way to share and show code snippets.
Is this the organization page now? How do we get added to it?
Hi all. You need a github account - then let me know your username and I'll add you in.
My username is the same as my twitter name: ludditewebdev.
Best Regards
I'm morisy. Thanks Dave!
My github account is medined.
Account name: piercepresley. Not exactly the height of creativity, but it gets bonus points for clarity, I think.
I´m fernandoalvap. Thank´s a lot.
I'm thmithy on github. Thanks.