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Open Journalism & the Open Web

Week 3: Assignment

Danielle Fankhauser's picture
Mon, 2010-10-04 21:45

  The idea of this assignment is to exercise collaboration between journalists and programmers
- Pick a video story (option to use original material)
- Use video capture software to download
- Add own narration audio, images, etc.
- Final product can be around three minutes in length
**Please work with your partner
**Make sure both people learn something enw
Possible tools students can use
Video capture tools: iShowU, Snapz Pro X, Frapps, Jing, Volke
Audio capture tools: Snapz Pro X, iShowU, Audacity, Stroome, Jing
Collaboration spaces: Google Docs, Pivotal Tracker, Stroome, DropBox, usendit, Basecamp, Writeboard, Ning, Pando, Zoho, Document Cloud
Platforms where final content will live such as Vimeo, Vuvox, YouTube, Stroome,, SoundCloud, Wordpress, UStream, Ning, Publish2, Jing


Reaction Question Sometimes

Mariano Blejman's picture
Mariano Blejman
Mon, 2010-10-25 00:15

Reaction Question

Sometimes looking at the art of collaboration as a purely empirical and pragmatic leaves aside the political issue involving the decisions taken in relation to cultural exchange. Both the comments of Howard Rheingold as the book Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig made a profound development of the ways in which societies have historically fought between open systems and closed systems. Or in terms of Lessig: the fight between a permissive society against a participatory society. The broad and deep look made from the heart of the capitalist system that represents the United States is focused on utilitarian affair to which they are subjected in the analysis of digital technologies in many cases. In that sense, participation and sharing is not only more logical, pragmatic, distributed, agile and quick work on digital platforms, but also a political decision that has to do with how information is organizing societies since the emergence (or disruption) of the Internet. If we are political beings, our actions will involve a political decision: the tendency to decentralize access to and production of information.