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KMD Digital Journalism 2010

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Octavia Nasr fired from CNN over Tweet about death of respected cleric

Go back to: General discussion

I don't know if you've all been following the story about @octavianasrCNN being fired for tweeting about the death of a well-respected cleric.

There's a good post by Jillian York about this. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts and maybe discuss during our meeting on Sunday/Monday.

Andria krewson's picture
Andria krewson
Sat, 2010-07-10 03:25

Another good post on the topic, from a former insider at CNN, is here:

And part of me thinks that being a woman over 40, in TV, can be as dangerous as tweeting the wrong thing. I haven't seen anyone address that issue yet.

I fear Twitter gets blamed occasionally when someone gets "Dooced" when it's only an easy public excuse. *Google "Dooced" for history if you haven't heard the term.

It definitely is worth discussion of a climate of fear, or extreme caution when dealing with the public or written and online communication.

But perhaps a walled garden, or Skype, or in-person talks would be the most appropriate forum. :~)

Joi Ito's picture
Joi Ito
Sun, 2010-07-11 05:58

The guest for this week is a journalist who doesn't want a recording uploaded. I realize that the time zone for the weekly meetings are hard for people, but lets try to have this discussion. We won't be posting a recording of the video for this week except possibly the project presentations (if there are any.)

Mohamed Nanabhay's picture
Mohamed Nanabhay
Thu, 2010-07-15 09:31

The British Ambassador to Lebanon had a blog post removed in which she had praised Fadaullah as well.