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Creative Commons 4 Educators

Case Study 2

Jessica Coates's picture
Tue, 2011-01-04 08:47

Topics: using CC materials; attribution; sharealike; noncommercial; licence compatibility; verifying licensed material

Due Date: 21 February 2011

In this case study, we go beyond the basics of finding and recognising Creative Commons material, and look at the practicalities of using that material in class. The biggest benefit that Creative Commons provides to educators is the ability to use copyright material without having to pay fees, get permission or understand how copyright law works. However, Creative Commons material isn't a free for all - you must still obey the licence on the material you wish to use if you don't want to breach copyright. This can create complications - particularly when you are combining material under difference licences into the same new work.

Case Study
Bongani teaches at a community college. Students pay fees to attend the college, but the college also gets some funding from the government. Bongani is paid for her teaching (although not very well).
She wants to use the following interesting resources she found marked Creative Commons in her classes:

Bongani wants to show the resources in class and distribute copies to her students. She also wants to create a short movie for the class that will include cropped versions of the two images, run an excerpt from the video, and use the song in the background.

Finally, she is thinking of uploading all the resources to her personal blog, which is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.

Questions (to be answered by each group)
Note: If you need additional information to answer any of these questions, identify that information in your answer and note how it would influence your responses.

  1. Can Bogani use these materials in her classes? Answer for each item separately and list any steps she would have to take to comply with the Creative Commons licences.
  2. Would your answer change for her blog? What if she has Google Adsense running?
  3. Can Bogani combine these materials together in the video?
  4. Write attribution statements for each of the materials.
  5. Bogani has also found another video which she would like to use. The song is licensed under a CC Attribution licence, but has a Michael Jackson song in the background. She isn't sure if the licensing is legitimate. What would your advice to her be?


Reading and Resources


Just one question. Please,

Juanan Pereira's picture
Juanan Pereira
Mon, 2011-02-14 11:04

Just one question. Please, what's the deadline for handing in this assignment? Thanks!

Hi Juanan - sorry for the

Jessica Coates's picture
Jessica Coates
Wed, 2011-02-16 05:00

Hi Juanan - sorry for the slow reply.

This one's due on 21 February. You can find all the due dates in Course Breakdowsn here:

But I've now added the dates to the assignment pages, too.

Hi Jessica, we wanted to

V. L.'s picture
V. L.
Thu, 2011-02-17 07:53

Hi Jessica, we wanted to clarify questions 1 and 2. When we say that Bogani is 'using these materials in her classes', is she just reproducing them as they are or is she also remixing them and then sharing them (ie are we supposed to be talking about remixing in qns 1 and 2 as well as qn 3).

Happy to clarify. Bongani

Jessica Coates's picture
Jessica Coates
Fri, 2011-02-18 01:51

Happy to clarify.

Bongani will be using the materials as described in the last part of the case study. I've amended the wording slightly to make sure it's clear what particular uses she is making of the different materials.

In her clases she intends to:
- display all the materials in class and reproduce them for her students
- crop two of the images and combine them with an excerpt from the video and the song to make a video

She also intends to upload all the resources to her personal blog - this is what question 2 refers to.

I hope this makes it clearer.

Thanks Jessica!

V. L.'s picture
V. L.
Fri, 2011-02-18 01:56

Thanks Jessica!

Hi Jessica, You mentioned to

Mary Lydon's picture
Mary Lydon
Fri, 2011-03-04 03:03

Hi Jessica,
You mentioned to Bronze group in their case study 2 ', there may be some problem with incompatible licences – see my comment to the whole group' and I have been looking for the whole group comment/s but can't find. Can you tell me whwere to look please? I am getting a much better idea of that topic now but the more clarificaiton the better. Thanks, Mary