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Creative Commons 4 Educators

How to Get Started

Jessica Coates's picture
Tue, 2011-01-04 08:17

Group allocation

Once you join the course, you will be allocated a group colour indicating the student group you have been placed in. Please contact your group members and introduce yourself.

We suggest a different student take responsibility for starting the weekly discussion and submitting the final answer and group assessment of the other groups' answer for each week.

You may wish to allocate particular questions to different members to provide a first draft for review and comment.

Communication and collaborative working tools

The purpose of P2P University is to facilitate peer-supported learning. As such, we strongly encourage each group to take advantage of the many collaborative tools available online.
However, how you choose to do so is up to you. You may wish to set up a space for group discussion in the course page or set up a wiki for collaborative works. You may wish to draft collaboratively using You may wish to hold real time discussions using skype or tokbox or other communication tools.

Some useful links are provided at and

How to post the final group answer

You should submit each assignment answer as a new document on the Course Material page. Make sure you clearly label the page with your group's name and the number of the assignment. If any groups have difficulty doing this, please contact the course coordinator.