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Creative Commons 4 Educators
Orange Case Study 2
We have left some yellow-highlighted text to mark some conflicting paragraphs (zones where we have had some doubts) in order to publicly discuss the issues .
Pass - see my full comments in the document attached.
Hi Orange group. I have been
Hi Orange group.
I have been reading your work with great interest. I too find some of the issues difficult. For instance, I don't see why the BY ND material can't go on her BY-NC-SA blog. She isn't building on the work (the letters picture), is she? The BY ND licence says 'This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.' I have taken that to mean that you can use the work so long as you properly provide the licence conditions close enough to the work that others know it is not the same licensing as the blog itself. I really need to have this issue clarified, please Jessica.
I'll provide a full answer in
I'll provide a full answer in the marked version (coming on Monday) - but you're right, she might be able to. It depends on:
- whether you see the blog as a derivative work or a collection; and
- how she's applied the licence to the blog. Does it apply to everything or only some parts?
Have a look at the Aqua case study - it discusses this fairly well.
Thank you for that, Jessica.
Thank you for that, Jessica. I have read the aqua group's discussion with interest. Joseph in our group brought up the idea of a collection v derivative work. I really want to explore this aspect further. I haven't got a handle on it properly yet.
Hi Yellow group,Am I
Hi Orange group (sorry originally had the yellow text on my mind!!),
Am I interpreting the adam fields flow chart correctly when he says "Is money changing hands in exchange for the
derivative work where the content is incidental to
the derivative work, or is there an optional money
exchange for the derivative work?" if so non commercial use is OK - if so, could we conclude that adsense operates irrespective of the content on the page therefore Non-commercial use applies. Or have I misinterpreted the flow chart?
How authoritative is that
How authoritative is that flow chart? I found it rather difficult to follow.
I found the flow chart very
I found the flow chart very confusing, there must be a better way of explaining this very 'grey' area
Yup - the NC question re
Yup - the NC question re adsense is definitely very grey. See my longer answer in the forum, but basically it's up to the user to decide how 'certain' they need to be of their use. As a rule of thumb, be conservative when dealing with ads - many people do think even putting an ad next to a work makes the use commercial. After all, someone is making money off it.