This is the P2PU Archive. If you want the current site, go to!
Students introduce themselves to each other and acquaint themselves with the website and ICT Tools needed to collaborate and work together.
Student Groups start working on the first case study. Student Groups are required to submit three case study assignments over 6 weeks to complete the course.
The topic and due date for each case study is provided below. More detailed information on the topics covered by each case study, along with background reading, is provided on the relevant case study page.
Case study 1
Topic: Finding and identifying Creative Commons material
Due: 7 February 2011
Case study 2
Topic: Using Creative Commons material
Due: 21 February 2011
Case study 3
Topic: Licensing your own material
Due: 7 March 2011
Each group assignment must be published on the course's public work space by the due date, and will be marked by the unit coordinator no later than a week after you have submitted it.
This means that for each case study you have a week to prepare your group answer, followed by a week in which you can comment on the other groups' answers and undertake the reading for the next week's assignment. It also means that you will always have a week between receiving the course coordinator's comments and the due date for the next case study, allowing you learn from and follow up comments with the course coordinator or your fellow students.
Each case study has a list of readings and resources that may assist you in answering the assignment questions. It also has a list of keywords indicating the topics the week is intended to cover. Remember to focus on these topics when answering the questions - don't feel like you need to skip ahead and become an expert in the first week of the course.
The Group answer should demonstrate your understanding of the assigned reading material and should include original thoughts and synthesis. Don't just summarize readings. Making connections between the week's readings and either previous readings or external materials (of your own or of others!) is strongly encouraged.
Only answer the questions in relation to the case study/scenario. Do not answer the questions for understanding. Use those questions to assist you in your learning and discussions with group members.
In addition, each group must provide a short comment on and assessment of the other groups’ answers. This means you must review the other groups answers to the case studies.
This is an important part of the learning process, and should not be skipped - it allows you to see additional information and alternative interpretations you may not have thought of yourself, and share your own learnings with others. This is why we have ensured you have an extra week for each assignment, to allow time for appropriate discussion and synthesis.