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There are some community college instructors in this course that haven't joined a team. I'm looking to try to work with people on finding open resources and/or developing some (not a textbook!) on using critical thinking. Most colleges have student learning outcomes around critical thinking which map to program and course level outcomes. The initiative I am working on at my college includes CT and writing in all disciplines.
If you're interested, post to this forum and I'll try to organize a bit. I can create a site for us to collect the materials pretty easily.
Here's some info on my college's initiative and a course on CT that I'm teaching this semester.
I would like to join this forum. My interest is in finding open resources on using CT and writing in "Accounting" discipline for Community College students in Work-Study and Academic programs.
I am sharing following website for comments.
I saw this article too. I think his definitions are wrong for what we do with online courses. They have always had that third dimension and probably will long into the future. CBT fell out of favor 20 years ago.
Did you see a connection to critical thinking?
I am currently teaching a course in CT and one free source that I am using is online videos. A few are collected here Of course, the danger with using them is that there is no guarantee they will remain online, so you always need to be checking for dead links. That's why I find having a website rather than a paper document preferable.
Serendipitous find: I looked through the Flat World Knowledge textbooks for CT and found no book. But, I took a shot and looked into a College Success title they offer (Ct is often a part of those textbooks) and did find a pretty good-sized chunk of material on CT.
You probably need to register to get to the titles is the book and chapter 3 is the most relevant.
FWK is interesting because it is for profit but offer a free read of the book online and fairly inexpensive print versions. You can also download just chapters.
Found a number of good resources on CT using the search at
Hi there,
I had joined the Africa Project...but the flu got the better of me..I do like to also collaborate w/you if I can....
another resource via Connexions
"Integrative Thinking and 21st Century Skills
The process of integrative thinking is examined by Roger Martin in How Successful Leaders Think. This thinking process is explained as the ability to use deductive reasoning to extract the best aspects from two opposing ideas, thus creating an alternative which possesses the strengths of both ideas (Martin, 2007). Exemplary leaders in the business world have found success in this process of thinking. Educational leaders can also achieve more successful decision making by using integrative thinking..."
Just finished reading the article, and I'm sure Georgia is not one of the six states that have adopted this model--unfortunately. Thank you for sharing the resource.
Peg Ellington