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Hi, I'm Peg Ellington, an associate professor of English, a director of the Southwest Georgia Writing Project, and the first director of the MA in English focusing on critical literacies--can you tell I like to juggle lots of balls. I should be well prepared to teach any class in our new masters--I came up with the idea while walking through the San Antonio Airport on my way to or from--can't remember which--the National Writing Project conference in 2009. I pitched the idea to the dean, the VPAA, and was asked to prepare a letter of intent. There began my wild ride--there were no programs that my team or I could find that looked anything like the program we wanted to design--ergo no books to serve as texts. I'd like to create a multi-media text for the first course in our program--intro to critical literacies. I chose multimedia because this text needs to be fluid, to change as the various ways we communicate orally and in writing are changing faster than ever before. I'm already behind because I don't tweet! Any way I'd love to work with a group who can help me with technology and research. I've got some ideas, but generally there are better ideas out there.
Please join me!!!!!!
Hi there Peg
You're not missing much by not 'tweeting"...the world is already moving away...with the advent of Quora.. :-)
"See" you later.
Hi Peg,
Great Project idea. I met James Bowey, Communications Professor, at Winona State University at WCET last November. College Open Textbooks, my project, and his Community Journalism Project (Winona 360) were receiving Technology Innovation prizes along with several others. He is doing multi-media journalism with his students and other community members -- bet he would be willing to share. Contact me if you want an introduction.
I'd love to talk with him. Thank you. Am I in the right place for the course introduction?
Hi Peg,
This is a good place for introducing your course project. You created your own forum which works fine. James Bowey is at and let him know that I referred you. Here is the community journalism website:
Susan and Andrea,
I know I've been quiet for awhile, but I've been trying to catch up on the learning curve. Last week was awesome, and I spent the weekend writing a faculty development grant that would allow me to purchase Softchalk software for the actual creation of the text. While I wait to hear, I need to begin the outline with more specificity. Susan, remember when you asked whether I had one to share--what I had was embarrassing, but I feel that at this point, I can begin in earnest to create an outline that makes sense. As of now, I'm looking at chronologically presenting the information for the course--graduate level course in introduction of literacy studies. But something keeps nagging me to consider types of literacies and then discuss the history of the genres. I know chronological would be the easiest for me, but perhaps not the best approach. So I need your opinion and your insights on this plan.
I'm keen on an Open book search tool, and perhaps an ingredients tool to help people find content to put into open books.
Hi Pat, I'd love to have you join us. Right now, I've scaled back as I don't think any group can put a textbook together in the time we have. I've started looking at tools this week, and I've already found a great online journal that ocuses on critical literacies. Send me your email if you would like to work with us.
Pat we are moving ahead. I've just submitted a faculty development grant seeking funding for softchalk software. From the demonstration last week in the webinar seminar, I believe even I can figure out how to insert multimedia in a text. At this point, we've identified a number of resources, but since I came up with this idea in January, I need to create an outline, which will allow me to look for specific information. The course for which I'm preparing a text is Introduction to Literacy, an initial course in our new MA in English w/a focus on critical literacy. At this point, I'm thinking chronological with the bulk of the information coming from the last half of the 20th century and up through today. I'd also like to find information that deals with the changing definition of literacy--and I know it's out there, but I'm not sure it's available for use in a textbook. Please let me know if you have more--or better ways to proceed.
Peg Ellington
I will be willing to join. It'll force me to look further ahead into new technologies. As this is my current mission with the government I can help you with some of the things I have now, and I think in the end the open text could benefit my field too. Let me know how you would like to progress.
We would be happy to have you Matt. I've scaled back a bit into trying to find OER resources on Critical Literacy--there isn't enough time to do a textbook by the end of this project. If that will work for you, send me your email. We plan on emailing our info for another week and then using Skype or our forum to continue our work. I've already found an online journal focused on critical literacies and seems to be open access, but I've got to do more checking. So far I can read every article I've tried. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Peg Ellington
Hi Matt, I just posted a comment to Pat and Devendra about where I am in the process. I think at this point we may need to find a common time to meet and chat about the outline of the text. If you read the post I sent to Pat, you'll see I'm, as of right now, thinking chronological--but I'm open to suggestions. I'm also interested in what everyone else things should be covered in an Intro to Literacy class at the graduate level, keeping in mind the focus of the degree is critical literacies. Please let me know what you think.
I feel the same way about the timeline, and your plan will work for me too. Here is my email, in case ...
Devendra, please look at the comment I posted for Pat. I'm proceeding with the outlining process--which Susan asked about at the very beginning. At that point, however, I had no idea if there was information to draw from. Now based on the information I've gathered, I see that my next step has got to be an outline of the text--then we can begin to fill the text with the information available and fill in areas which are spotty or non-existent. Let me know what you think.
I was thinking about "Critical thinking" requirements of students in accounting courses at the community college where I teach. The subject matter is accounting, but critical thinking is required to select most ethical choice of accounting and financial reporting, and, the best possible compliance to standards - US or International. Since you seem to know how and where to go, I will let it play your way. I am sure to constructively contribute once I clearly see where we are going. Our project may have one general part, and another discipline specific part. Does that make sense?
Yes it does, Devendra. And as soon as I get a breather from teaching and committee work, I'm starting on the outline. From that point, I'll have direction. Just got some money to buy softchalk, so I've got the technology now to complete the project, but without an outline, I won't know where to start.